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Marketing & Media Africa

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Peter Searll
Accurate audience measurement in Africa through mobile tracking
[Peter Searll] Accurate audience measurement in Africa needs innovation in media research... read
Andre Steenekamp
Going beyond the click with programmatic media buying

Andre Steenekamp

Why exactly programmatic media buying works so well - and all the questions you need to ask... read

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World Media Awards seek entries from Africa
The World Media Awards (WMAs) - which celebrate the effectiveness of cross platform, cross border, content-driven advertising - are back for a second year... read
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IMF chief to recommend USD12bn Egypt loan approval
IMF chief Christine Lagarde said she will recommend the institution approve a $12 billion loan for Egypt... read

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Will Trump stun the world? We ask social media
Will Trump stun the world? We ask social media

JP Kloppers

After an analysis of social media data, using a crowd-integrated sentiment-driven research approach, we have seen a possible shock arising in the conclusion of this unprecedentedly rancorous US election... read
Get them while they are still new and in love with your brand

Tess Sulaman

People are an organisation's most important asset. This is the mantra that has been preached to us for the last few decades. It is not wrong, it's just not entirely accurate... read
(c) Cathy Yeulet -
Three back-office hacks for improved customer service

Wynand Smit

Communication, time and resolution work in relationship with one another and can all be improved. If they're made more efficient, the customer service machine will be faster and smoother, ensuring that what needs to get done does, and that customers experience great service, boosting loyalty and more business... read
Harnessing behavioural psychology to enhance user experience
Harnessing behavioural psychology to enhance user experience

Jason Ried

Over the past several years, behavioural psychology has attracted a great deal of interest outside of academic circles... read
Dancing with elephants. Image © Maryka Ludik
Dancing under the stars with elephants at the IABC Africa gala dinner

Leigh Andrews

It was a night of celebrating SA's top communicators as well as a night of firsts - stomping across the dance floor to silent disco beats, anyone? That's just one way we acknowledged the 'elephants in the room', along with the first starry constellation of IABC Africa Silver Quill winners... read
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Africa hit worst by extreme weather in 2015
Four of the 10 countries hammered hardest in 2015 by climate-boosted extreme weather are in Africa... read
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New events to diarise
Lightroom introduction
Orms Cape Town School of Photography - 21 Feb 2016 to 7 Mar 2017, Cape Town | 20 Feb 2017 to 6 Mar 2017, Cape Town

Digital skills for Africa
oneafrica.online - 24 Oct 2016 to 28 Feb 2017, Countrywide

Essentials of broadcast management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 13 Feb 2017 to 17 Feb 2017, Grahamstown

Essentials of newspaper management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 13 Mar 2017 to 17 Mar 2017, Grahamstown

User Interface Design - UX Design
Multidimensions - 17 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

Swami Sivananda
"Crave for a thing, you will get it. Renounce the craving, the object will follow you by itself."

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Reaction to the prospect of a Trump presidency rippled across the globe, with financial markets abroad falling https://t.co/iW4i5I73fT
Ushahidi basks in the limelight on US poll watch role https://t.co/UkcPL2oLP7
RT @HuffingtonPost: Minnesota just elected the country's first Somali-American Muslim woman legislator https://t.co/4ced1rWZ3z https://t.co...
Uganda: Our Focus Is Data - Vodafone CEO https://t.co/F2LUpN97ug #Africa #Business
Zambia starts exporting 100,000 tonnes white maize to Malawi https://t.co/oiz6kYykbR
New Facility to Lower Cost of Internet, Enhance Security: https://t.co/TL9X3qynus #Rwanda
Media Industry Grows 9% - Report: https://t.co/o9L2Kgr5nl #Rwanda
Cape Town woman brings #coding skills to marginalized communities #WomenInTech #AfricaCodeWeek... https://t.co/e0S0iuIC2C
Showing the better face of African journalism https://t.co/uIky5CvhSi By WILLIAM BIRD @Billbobbird
Embracing digital business models to re-invent your company https://t.co/zZDg7eoicP
Trump's victory sparks African concern https://t.co/CUsAx5xeio #Africa #business
RT @IDRC_AFRIQUE: "60% of Africa's economically active women work in agriculture. We must get tools into the hands of these women and girl...
SKIN - The Inhabitable Sculpture by @followNEON prioritises the human body above all other #design parameters... https://t.co/0z1tsg4PF6
Social Advocacy and Politics: Social Media and the Future of Elections (by @DrDigiPol) https://t.co/T83cewh16s https://t.co/DqGncr278P
Markets react to Donald Trump win: - Asia shares plummet - European stocks plunge - Mexican peso falls https://t.co/FDEaykVfKV
10 Must-Follow Tips for Instant #Instagram Advertising Success https://t.co/PufFJNeN9n #smm
The true value of #IoT lies in it being the Internet of Humans https://t.co/JaXZOZyQTH by Richard Barry/... https://t.co/B7DM1U5KZb
Kenya's Toxic Mix: South Sudan debacle shows Kenyatta's government in its worst light https://t.co/BKMwk3GqeO SIMON ALLISON @simonallison
RT @NewGenAngels: "The Art of portfolio investing in African startups." https://t.co/iGnOiG2923 @AngelFairAfrica @AfriTechSummit @ABANAng...
The Psychology of Successfully Marketing to #Millennials [Infographic] https://t.co/4KA3jncgOK https://t.co/9kLrBjUd7o
RT @AfricaBiz2020: This week, Angel Fair Africa 2016 will be held in Nairobi - https://t.co/K1p9mETlRH @AngelFairAfrica @eosiakwan
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