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Marketing & Media Africa

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An integrated approach to Africa's development goals
The year 2016 marks a double transition period, from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Agenda 2030; and at the continental level, from the New Economic Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) to Agenda 2063... read
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Deutsche Welle brings social radio to Africa
Deutsche Welle has unveiled the new format for its AfricaLink radio program... read

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Jason Ried
The financial sphere is spicing it up with gamified learning
Financial institutions have turned to gamification and augmented reality in order to bolster internal training and development programmes... read
Quirk to become Mirum
Quirk to become Mirum

Issued by Quirk

In keeping with its track record of innovation, leading South African digital agency Quirk will rebrand as Mirum on 1 November. Quirk will join Cleartag and HeathWallace to form Mirum in the Middle East and Africa. read

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South Sudanese media association raided
South Sudanese media association raided
The Association for Media Development In South Sudan (AMDISS) strongly condemns the armed robbery at its compound in Juba... read
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Digitising customer documents is a key part of digital transformation
Organisations need to embrace digital processes or risk being left behind by more agile competitors... read
Customers will share a good story, use technology to drive this
Customers will share a good story, use technology to drive this

Chantel Nimb

Chantel Nimb at Oracle South Africa shares her experiences with good and bad customer service and points out that South African business need to give their customers good stories, worth sharing. Technology can assist this process... read
Five factors of successful franchisor leadership
Five factors of successful franchisor leadership

Anita du Toit

In addition to being concerned about the match between a franchisee and a franchisor, in terms of psychometric testing, franchisors should review their own leadership and management capabilities, as becoming a franchisor changes the nature of a business... read
Right technology is not always within reach for African farmers
Right technology is not always within reach for African farmers

Kristen Reesor

Farmers have no modern tools, such as tractors, to efficiently and effectively cultivate crops. They also need assistance to obtain seed varieties that are... read
Farming goes digital in Malawi - Farm Radio Trust, Access Agriculture hailed for farmer-to-farmer videos
Farming goes digital in Malawi - Farm Radio Trust, Access Agriculture hailed for farmer-to-farmer videos

Chris Loka

Malawian farmers can now learn from fellow farmers across the continent in the confines and privacy of their homes, thanks to an initiative by Farm Radio Trust and Access Agriculture... read
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New events to diarise
Introduction to marketing
Grovation i*know - 8 Nov 2016, Cape Town

Short course in business writing
www.enterprises.up.ac.za - 21 Nov 2016 to 23 Nov 2016, Pretoria

Event management
www.enterprises.up.ac.za - 23 Nov 2016 to 25 Nov 2016, Pretoria

InDesign digital
Multidimensions - 6 Dec 2016, Johannesburg

Essentials of broadcast management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 13 Feb 2017 to 17 Feb 2017, Grahamstown

Matt Cameron
"Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive."

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RT @TC_Africa: African countries require a financing gap for water infrastructure of around $45bn to meet the needs of its citizens https:/...
How Millennials Are Changing The Way Brands Market (by @martinjonesaz) https://t.co/RVIgLemi9I #smm https://t.co/wuNMNiHGq7
We find out how a celebrated Nigerian photographer's work changed his life and those around him on REWIND:... https://t.co/sZzpetJrYW
5 Serious Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Stop Right Now (via @godotmedia) https://t.co/7GHPHX8E3S #smm https://t.co/Tq7YCT9Gnt
Why the Internet of Things could change politics https://t.co/fQgkRu8RZW https://t.co/8RQmxkBmVb
The 50 best apps of the year https://t.co/HvBMW7YJWm
ICG: African Powers Must Support Democracy in DR Congo https://t.co/RWLhuPdQtW by INTERNATIONAL CRISIS GROUP @CrisisGroup
Vine founders' new app is the perfect place to memorialize your favorite Vines https://t.co/unEgA1F3Ch https://t.co/5yr10PRMB7
Facebook Unveils New Snapchat-Like Camera Option Within #Facebook https://t.co/2A1zILJOI2 #socialmedia https://t.co/ssx9uHYHzS
RT @WorldBankAfrica: Blog: The lack of skills is one of the major obstacles to young #AfricaIn people entering the labor market https://t.c...
RT @IFJGlobal: #India: 73 #journalists killed since 2005, 5 of whom have died in 2016. Read the IFJ report here: https://t.co/uaHtQFlagQ #E...
"If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you also have to be a storyteller." -Richard Branson... https://t.co/thOf6yPIyT
A massive social media science study ?? What 4.8 million Tweets say about the best time to #Tweet ? https://t.co/thXbIPV76w
RT @Smith_JeffreyT: In the lead up to December's election, journalists in The #Gambia "operate in a climate of fear," per @mediadefence: ht...
A Step-by-Step Guide to write a #ContentMarketing Strategy [with template] https://t.co/sOoTEDnBeE https://t.co/KHXNDTIrXL
RT @MariaHRWAfrica: Ethiopia's state of emergency silences aid workers - and some of their work https://t.co/AJi5e4RjBV via @_andrew_green...
The Top 10 Trends Shaping the Future of Visual Content [Infographic] https://t.co/1H3JGN1vIj https://t.co/YSM0oKvdby
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