21 Oct 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

BizToday's top stories
Jeremy Potgieter
Why Africa needs the industrial revolution that is the Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT ) will change the African landscape of data communications... read
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Meeting Africa's digital transformation needs
There are still challenges around basic infrastructure in Africa to allow for the internet to flourish on the continent... read

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Ghanaian startup AF Radio launches playback app
Ghanaian startup AF Radio launches playback app

Tom Jackson

Ghanaian startup AF Radio has launched its free Android app after months of testing in partnership with local station 3FM 92.7... read
Source: Disrupt Africa
8 African startups awarded grant funding from HiiL

Tom Jackson

Eight African startups will share EUR160,000 (US$176,000) in grant funding for the HiiL Justice Accelerator... read

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[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 193: Zero Negative Energy launch with Adidas
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 193: Zero Negative Energy launch with Adidas
On the latest episode of Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show host Warren Harding spoke to Brett Burgess... read
Warm up to cold calling and yield better results for your agency

Johanna McDowell

In some quarters, cold calling is regarded as the life blood of some of the businesses operating in the marketing, advertising, communication industry's B2B environment... read
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In defence of the often maligned creative

Damon Stapleton

When I got into this business 20 years ago, creatives and creative departments were always called the crazy ones. We were portrayed as necessary yet unpredictable... read
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Chaos-ridden Libya's economy on the brink, say experts
Political stalemate and the conflict rocking Libya are pushing the economy towards collapse... read
Pioneering mini pacemaker technology comes to Africa
Pioneering mini pacemaker technology comes to Africa
In an African first, a series of four procedures to implant the world's smallest pacemaker was performed at Mediclinic Panorama in Cape Town... read
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GIBS Digital Disruption and Innovation
GIBS - 25 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Marketing, communication and customer relations
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Essentials of broadcast management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 13 Feb 2017 to 17 Feb 2017, Grahamstown

Essentials of newspaper management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 13 Mar 2017 to 17 Mar 2017, Grahamstown

User Interface Design (UX Design)
Multidimensions - 17 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

James M. Barrie
"Life is a long lesson in humility."

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Today's African #proverb: It is a fool whose own tomatoes are sold to him. An Akan proverb sent by Angela Osei-Badu, Accra, Ghana
IBMVoice: How companies can become cognitive businesses by using big data and analytics https://t.co/BWeofDkkN9 @IBM https://t.co/EwnTDhhlhV
Major Publishers Doubling Down on #SEO to Replace Lost Facebook Referral Traffic (via @DiditMarketing)... https://t.co/8kwMhyQI5E
20 Countries Meet to Discuss Media Development: https://t.co/TW3EOtSyXG #Rwanda
RT @AshrafGarda: Congratulations @khadijapatel on your appointment as editor of @mailandguardian super reward for your great work at @theda...
Iconic camera maker Kodak is launching an Android-based smartphone that's all about taking photos... https://t.co/ktOcRK8eVv
How will self-driving cars make life or death decisions? https://t.co/D6lmeCvC7I https://t.co/KkKp6MY2SH
Africa: Uganda Can Learn From Nigeria's Oil, Gas Experiences https://t.co/gj9ZBstxwG #Africa #Business
Airbus envisions making Uber-like air taxis that beat traffic by flying over it https://t.co/aLyltsgIuO https://t.co/sTlkNHGB8n
Pioneering mini pacemaker technology comes to Africa https://t.co/fyHxe2iWiL via @Biz_Healthcare @Mediclinic
No partner in sight, Twitter faces tough solo choices https://t.co/WxpJZ5FVKC
Geologists identified over 400 ancient human footprints preserved at the foot of the "Mountain of God" in Tanzania... https://t.co/mLQBLGNPNN
Zimbabwe's new currency revives memories of 500,000,000,000% inflation https://t.co/530UE3paMQ https://t.co/Cx90Wa0dDz
More than 1600 detained in Ethiopia under state of emergency https://t.co/Ol4qSit3m4
Trevor Noah Backs Out As MTV Africa Music Awards Host https://t.co/8TS0lVyDhI #SouthAfrica https://t.co/KB6dW3ZyT2
Hunt to find first Mr and Miss Albino held in Kenya https://t.co/8vo2Qbk1Bo
"The people are going to snap." A sugar shortage has plunged Egyptians into a panic. https://t.co/G2G0SpPpvF https://t.co/MAwYReqXP1
Op-Ed: Science is not unAfrican - but there is a prejudice towards African science https://t.co/6SxxScAiIC @sarahemilywild @lindanordling
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