6 Oct 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

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Brand building in recessionary times - is your brand geared to weather the storm?
Brand building in recessionary times - is your brand geared to weather the storm?
[Nicole Shapiro] Turbulence. It's a word that's on everyone's lips at the moment - from the highest rated economists, to businesses of all sizes, to the man on the street... read
Standard brings business together in West Africa
Standard brings business together in West Africa
Standard Bank's ambition to position itself as the go-to bank for businesses in Africa was underscored at the group's intra-Africa business conference in Ghana on Tuesday - the second meeting of its kind in 2016... read

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'Brain drain' hits sub-Saharan Africa: IMF
'Brain drain' hits sub-Saharan Africa: IMF
Skilled workers are leaving sub-Saharan Africa in rapidly increasingly numbers, producing a "brain drain" that causes long-term social damage, the International Monetary Fund warned on Tuesday... read
Southern Africa World Entrepreneur Award finalists
Southern Africa World Entrepreneur Award finalists
EY has announced the 2016 Southern Africa World Entrepreneur Award finalists in the Master, Emerging and Exceptional categories... read

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Five tips to win the youth over for brand managers

Antoinette Pombo

If you're over the age of 25, you'll be able to reminisce how easy it must have been to be the brand manager for Citi Golf. That's because every adolescent who passed their driver's licence drove a Citi Golf... read
Blis, Mobiclicks partnership brings location advertising technology into Africa
Blis, Mobiclicks partnership brings location advertising technology into Africa
Blis has formed a strategic partnership with South African mobile marketing and media specialist, Mobiclicks, to launch its mobile location-based advertising products and services into sub-Saharan media markets... read

Motorbike jugaad © Dishoom Dishoom on .
Jugaad, the art of improvisation as an innovative mindset

Amandine Robin

Innovation processes are being challenged by creative improvisation, even in the biggest technological companies governed by acute knowledge and experience... read
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Instagram is not just about the image
Instagram is not just about the image

Felix Erken

Instagram has grown exponentially over the last few years and brands are adopting ways to utilise this social media platform to tell a visual brand story and sell products or services through appealing imagery... read
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Short course in customer experience practice
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Marketing, communication and customer relations
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Brand Sustainability Conference
26 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Government media - essential tools for communicators and journalists
Sol Plaatje Institute - 21 Nov 2016 to 25 Nov 2016, Grahamstown

InDesign digital
Multidimensions - 6 Dec 2016, Johannesburg

Ezra Pound
"Either move or be moved."

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4 Facebook Advertising Hacks for Small Business Owners https://t.co/b2VBDyWuYh #smm https://t.co/04DigJkPpk
"Our economy, our society, we're losing out because we're not raising our girls to be brave." https://t.co/hFhjMJ6ksb @reshmasaujani
Dell TechnologiesVoice: 3 ways converged infrastructure can give your business a competitive edge... https://t.co/C2izCGJaT2
Botswana has the mining law that South Africa should copy https://t.co/fhw5Azs2Bg A new column by ANTHEA JEFFERY
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