27 Sep 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

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#TRENDING: The experience economy
[Louise Marsland] In order to earn the attention of consumers, brands need to create experiences that they can share... read
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GE Africa CEO to advise on Africa trade
GE Africa President/CEO, Jay Ireland appointed as Chair of President Obama's Advisory Council on Business Priorities for Africa... read

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Barron Ernst
Mobile services: how to crack high growth markets
Smartphone use in high growth markets like India and Africa differs from developed markets. This is because there are a very different set of constraints in operation... read
Njeri Kabeberi
New Greenpeace Africa director
Njeri Kabeberi has been appointed as Greenpeace Africa executive director... read

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Air Travel: East Africa rising
Analysis of international air travel to East Africa this year reveals strong growth of 11.2% compared with the same period last year... read
Global technology trends shaping the modern workplace
Global technology trends shaping the modern workplace
The European and South African findings from the Dell and Intel Future Workforce Study have been revealed... read
PR agencies can be the new SEO agencies of the 2016 digital revolution

Christopher Smith

Long gone are the days when companies would put Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) consultants on large retainers to increase both their website hits and Google presence... read
Munitz and the CBR Marketing Solutions team.
Riding the waves of the digital world

Craig Munitz

Digital marketing is a strategy. It's not just simply a website, or social media, or Google; it's a full platform that allows people to position their businesses within the communities they're targeting... read
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Five million Somalis now food insecure
Over 300,000 Somali children under five are acutely malnourished, with more than 50,000 children who are severely malnourished... read
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New events to diarise
Marketing, communication and customer relations
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Brand Sustainability Conference
26 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Government media - essential tools for communicators and journalists
Sol Plaatje Institute - 21 Nov 2016 to 25 Nov 2016, Grahamstown

Essentials of broadcast management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 13 Feb 2017 to 17 Feb 2017, Grahamstown

Essentials of newspaper management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 13 Mar 2017 to 17 Mar 2017, Grahamstown

Robert Henri
"Do whatever you do intensely."

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France is the first country in the world to ban disposable plastic cups and plates https://t.co/ragJALx61F https://t.co/5rlOjzHHp5
IBMVoice: How companies can become cognitive businesses by using big data and analytics https://t.co/KmEmcXYtKq @IBM https://t.co/9c8GqsE8tL
Uganda: Total, Good African Coffee Sign Business Partnership https://t.co/tgUyUSejqY #Africa #Business | https://t.co/JTSDbtWzap
The Financial Audacity of Moroccan Millennials https://t.co/WcUafxge6L via https://t.co/L2W87q3NXI
Govt Orders All Public Procurement Services Go Online: https://t.co/QaAYiCO7Gw #Rwanda
Motorcycles set to become main mode of transport in Africa https://t.co/HUkZQ6bIw6 #AfricaMeansBusiness via https://t.co/JTSDbtWzap
Italy's African village https://t.co/7Hvm6ofrEj
Uganda's Kampala-Masaka highway could be 'world's most dangerous road' https://t.co/Zuy5CN9Sp0 via @dailynation
Botswana: New Mall Urshers Hope for Residents https://t.co/KFZITjnh58 #Africa #Business | https://t.co/JTSDbtWzap
'IoT can transform Nigerian businesses across all sectors' https://t.co/RNSQOcntev #Africa #tech #news
Did you know you can target your Twitter ads based on emoji use? https://t.co/hM8d6Raq6H https://t.co/4159XiURk3
How to Retain Customers Using Social Media https://t.co/vueXSnPNJh #smm
Liberia: 10 Megawatt Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant for Monrovia https://t.co/o6ni6m0PtR #Africa #Business | https://t.co/JTSDbtWzap
Zimbabwe will set up a "disapora remittance system" to make it easier to send money home, state media reports... https://t.co/yDPBBeMoSJ
The jobs of the future - and two skills you need to get them https://t.co/7kfTdDDzIw #wef https://t.co/07OpRBrWdl
"One of Africa's safest parks is no longer safe." -- at CITES debate, US voices alarm over elephant poaching at Kruger Park in South Africa
10 Reasons Why You're Not Gaining Social Media Followers (& How to Fix It) (by @DhariLo) https://t.co/zpCrQD0a9x... https://t.co/pxA7Fci41V
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