26 Sep 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

Africa's media industry outlook to 2020

Despite the decline of the publishing industry in certain regions due to the growth of digital media, there are still growth opportunities to be found in the media and entertainment industry in Africa, according to the latest PwC Entertainment & Media Outlook in which they unpack future trends until 2020.
Video gaming, television and 'filmed entertainment' are growth areas in Africa, in particular Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. The B2B market will be a major source of revenue for the media industry due to the amount of data required by business.
While the print industry will decline by a billion rand in South Africa, total advertising revenue will rise due to the growth in internet advertising and television advertising dominance.
In Nigeria and Kenya, growth will come from internet advertising as access increases; as well as from television growth and an emerging middle class with more disposable income.
The latest PwC outlook highlights five key shifts that will emerge in sub-Saharan Africa up to 2020: primary growth is being driven by the youth market; content is still king; content consumption will be curated; growth will differ from one region to the next due to varying levels of disruption; and ongoing disruption of the market and media models will transform the market, as technology companies also enter the race to become hybrid content companies. This will result in ad agencies bringing programmatic abilities and data analytics on board to present total solutions to clients.

Have a great week!
Louise Marsland
Africa Editor: Bizcommunity.com

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