23 Sep 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

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Ericsson, Grundfos launch drinking water 'ATMs'
Ericsson, Grundfos launch drinking water 'ATMs'
Ericsson, Grundfos have established a partnership to provide water ATMs that dispenses water and supports sustainable water management... read
Support entrepreneurs to create digital disruption
Support entrepreneurs to create digital disruption
A new EY report calls for G20 leaders to better support young entrepreneurs through policies that ensure digital disruption... read

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H.R.H Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and Professor Anna Tibaijuka.
Tanzanian Professor wins sustainable development award
Tanzania's Professor Anna Tibaijuka becomes first woman to receive the H.R.H Prince Khalifa Bin Salman AI Khalifa Sustainable Development Award... read

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Uganda President Yoweri Museveni, Janet Museveni and Sicily Kariuki of Kenya.
Kenya's 'Making Every Woman and Girl Count' campaign
Kenya pledges to support the 'Making Every Woman and Girl Count' Program, at UN General Assembly... read

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[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 190: Mike Wronski on the top five social media platforms in SA
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 190: Mike Wronski on the top five social media platforms in SA
On the latest episode of Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show host Warren Harding spoke to Mike Wronski... read
MTN withdraws mobile money service in SA
MTN withdraws mobile money service in SA
MTN has pulled the plug on its mobile money service because of the "lack of commercial viability", it said on Thursday. This comes four months... read
Lessons from the Facebook, Adblock Plus wars
Lessons from the Facebook, Adblock Plus wars

Tichaona Savanhu & Andrew Smit

The recent war ignited between Facebook and Adblock Plus has once again thrown sharp relief on how the digital industry needs to employ a little soul searching when it comes to strategy and delivery... read
Addis Ababa © Dereje Belachew -
Connecting Africa's cities with developers, investors, planners
The African Real Estate & Infrastructure Summit will this November showcase city development plans on the continent at the CTICC in Cape Town... read
Libya oil chief fears 'financial collapse' unless exports rise
Libya oil chief fears 'financial collapse' unless exports rise
Conflict-hit Libya could run out of money next year without a swift resumption of oil exports... read
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Internal communications with a purpose
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 5 Oct 2016 to 7 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Become a design thinker
9 Nov 2016, Cape Town

Government media - essential tools for communicators and journalists
Sol Plaatje Institute - 21 Nov 2016 to 25 Nov 2016, Grahamstown

Essentials of broadcast management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 13 Feb 2017 to 17 Feb 2017, Grahamstown

Essentials of newspaper management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 13 Mar 2017 to 17 Mar 2017, Grahamstown

Steve Jobs
"Everyone here has the sense that right now is one of those moments when we are influencing the future."

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Three Years On, Kenya Remembers Westgate https://t.co/bZofjTTdMP #Kenya https://t.co/asqwuMJDVg
America's Legendary Ignorance About Africa Persists https://t.co/XTcBaxdLlJ #Africa https://t.co/DO94loLEET
Narrative and Ephemeral Content, and When to Use Each Type (via @igniteactionco) https://t.co/5PZUldoT7H #smm https://t.co/nAY33IEKgF
3 Things You Must Know to Become a Social Marketing Leader [Podcast] (w/@pammktgnut) https://t.co/baOFogyW29 #smm https://t.co/g7hGNhVddM
Rwandan Farmers Launch Online Coffee Auctioning https://t.co/pskiMi8Afp #Rwanda https://t.co/Eha0S01mg7
Africa Can Be Equal Partners in Global Peace - Kagame https://t.co/nnxzRtvzay #Africa #Rwanda https://t.co/4E6Zx6thHI
How Millennials are Changing the English Language (and Why You Should Care) (by @hannah_panadera)... https://t.co/3OFt7459RT
Architect of new African American museum in the US: It's a monument to understanding the African American experienc... https://t.co/aeLv2ABbpM
RT @AUC_DPA: Uganda is finalising a transitional justice policy to address historical injustices, including human rights violations #Birar...
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