6 Sep 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

BizToday's top stories
APO launches press release service for Middle East, North Africa
APO launches press release service for Middle East, North Africa
The African Press Organization launches MENA Wire, a press release distribution and monitoring service dedicated to the Middle East and North Africa... read

Infographics - powerful marketing tools but need skilful design
Infographics - powerful marketing tools but need skilful design
A well-designed infographic is a data-rich image that tells a story in a clear and effective way. High quality infographics are far more likely to be read and shared than text-based content... read

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Mixed optimism in latest SSA consumer confidence results
Mixed optimism in latest SSA consumer confidence results

Issued by Nielsen

The latest Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) results for Q2, 2016 show that of the four sub-Saharan African countries measured by Nielsen, Nigeria's consumer confidence score (122) continued to rank highest... read
Alliance Media acquires Imagination Outdoor in Mozambique
Alliance Media acquires Imagination Outdoor in Mozambique

Issued by Alliance Media

Alliance Media Mozambique has concluded the purchase of Imagination Outdoor, previously owned by MOP Portugal... read
ECA Monthly stats report
ECA launches monthly Africa economic and social data
The Economic Commission for Africa has launched its newest product, the Africa 'Statistical Flash', with macro-economic and social data on Africa... read
Image by 123RF
Nigerian startup selected for Start-Up Chile accelerator

Tom Jackson

Nigerian e-health solution Curacel Health has been selected to take part in Start-Up Chile's S Factory accelerator, aimed at supporting first-time female entrepreneurs... read
Image by 123RF
Startup MoBFIT uses SMS to connect farmers with buyers

Tom Jackson

Ugandan startup MOBFIT has developed GSM-supported agricultural supply chain software, able to directly connect smallholder rural farmers to buyers via SMS... read
Image by 123RF
B2B networking platform for fashion industry
With Fashionomics, the African Development Bank plans to raise the profile of African fashion and textiles on the international stage... read
Image by Tawanda Marandure
How agriculture can be intensified in Africa without causing harm

Tawanda Marandure and Kennedy Dzama

Sustainable agriculture is a popular concept. It's warmly embraced as a guiding light for the future of food production... read
Egypt uses sewage to grow forests in the desert
Egypt uses sewage to grow forests in the desert

Kate Walker

To tackle desertification, the Egyptian government is growing tree plantations that thrive on waste water... read
Branding in the new world: Understanding moments that matter
Branding in the new world: Understanding moments that matter

Alida Jansen & Chris Davies, Issued by TNS Global

The marketing world of yesteryear was defined by one-way communication to drive brand-building and to get the message across. However, these traditional principles no longer apply and brands who refuse to adapt to today's digitally engaged environment risk being left behind... read
RMB's Top 10 African investment destinations
RMB's Top 10 African investment destinations
Most investors still believe Africa offers a treasure trove of opportunities, some countries have emerged as hidden gems, while some of the perennial favourites have lost their sparkle. read
Gas add-on technology brings another 100MW to Benin
Gas add-on technology brings another 100MW to Benin
A one-year contract which will supply 100MW of power to the Benin grid using add-on natural gas technology has been awarded to Aggreko. read
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New events to diarise
Design thinking for brand building
Vega School - 8 Sep 2016, Durban | 8 Sep 2016 to 9 Sep 2016, Johannesburg | 8 Sep 2016 to 9 Sep 2016, Pretoria | 8 Sep 2016 to 9 Sep 2016, Cape Town

Mitigating a media crisis
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 8 Sep 2016 to 9 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Social media marketing bootcamp
8 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Internal communication management
PRISA - 14 Sep 2016 to 15 Sep 2016, Randburg, Johannesburg

Digital Media Africa
WAN-IFRA - 28 Sep 2016 to 30 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Aldous Huxley
"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."

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Did you miss this | Zimbabwean manufacturers seek greater import curbs https://t.co/FWBJ0lxD7U
#AGRF2016's theme is - Seize the Moment: Securing Africa's Rise through Agricultural Transformation @TheAGRF
Little by little the bird builds its nest. A Bambara #proverb from Mali sent by Laia Dosta, Teia, Catalonia, Spain
U.S. National Sold His California Home to Invest in Fish Farming: https://t.co/suYWeFhqPV #Rwanda
Nespresso lets you mail your coffee pods back for recycling now, Australia https://t.co/B3m8AXjwrx https://t.co/ryLB31zo9S
Africa: Global African Investment Summit Should Push for Closer Trade Ties https://t.co/52F1TfKC1e #Africa #Busin... https://t.co/JTSDbtWzap
7 Tips for Taking the Stress Out of a Social Media Crisis (by @bberg1010) https://t.co/6KbItd8lDe #smm https://t.co/anFNwVIo4m
Country Warned of Dry Spells As La Nina Beckons: https://t.co/vITlQWfCAA #Tanzania
How to Properly Utilize User-Generated Content on Social Networks (by @dharilo) https://t.co/35TnB9SapB #smm https://t.co/PUo8px0SEI
East Africa's second-tier cities hold untapped potential https://t.co/46NxS780Sm #AfricaMeansBusiness via https://t.co/JTSDbtWzap
RT @businessinsider: WhatsApp is now sharing your data with Facebook - here's how to turn it off https://t.co/v1QUxt36Rj
ECA launches monthly Africa economic and social data https://t.co/ENG6CAKYst via @Biz_Africa
Gabon: Jean Ping and the boy who didn't cry wolf @SimonAllison https://t.co/lc96O2Im0o https://t.co/qLxTGMha1V
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