1 Sep 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

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USD1 Million innovateAFRICA Fund for digital media launched
Call for entries for $1 million innovateAFRICA Fund for digital media, which includes seed funding, technology support and expert mentorship... read

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Untapped intra-regional trade opportunities key to boosting African economies
Despite an average annual growth in exports of 8.5% since 2010, trade between African regions remains low when compared to other parts of the world... read
Ringier team, Lagos
Internship programme launches with Africa Leadership University
Ringier Africa supports Africa Leadership University internship programme with digital media interns... read

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Your company doesn't need good content, it needs 10X content

Brandon Faber

Having watched the (recently concluded) series, "The Voice" (USA), on DStv I was struck by an undeniable truth... read
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Minor Hotels sees further growth potential for its brands in Africa
Minor Hotels is expanding aggressively across the African continent, with two new resorts in the pipeline in North Africa... read
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Inaugural 'TeachHer' master class launched in Ethiopia
Addis Ababa is hosting the first ever TeachHer master class in Africa to promote the education of girls in key educational fields... read
Customer service eclipses products, services as number one customer consideration
Customer service eclipses products, services as number one customer consideration
Businesses used to compete against one another on one of three fronts: price, quality of product or service, or superior marketing. In the digital age, these factors are taking a back seat to something that is altogether more difficult to define... read
Proper use of branded social content under the spotlight
Proper use of branded social content under the spotlight

Thabiso Moloi

We've seen a number of articles around influencer marketing, but it's also subject to a set of laws and rules... read
#InnovationMonth: Crowdfunding and solar energy, powering the world with tech

Nicci Botha

The Sun Exchange is a digital currency, crowd-investing platform designed to fund solar energy in the developing world... read
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New events to diarise
Customer journey design course
Brandlove - 5 Sep 2016 to 6 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Social media marketing bootcamp
8 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Creative writing and editing corporate publications
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 19 Sep 2016 to 23 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Internal communications with a purpose
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 5 Oct 2016 to 7 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Essentials of broadcast management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 24 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Grahamstown

Josh Billings
"Perseverance is king."

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Now you can zoom in on Instagram photos and videos https://t.co/TseE8Qzxn8
Want Brand Loyalty? Be Personal & Relevant (Infographic) (via @BobHutchins) https://t.co/VkhqED0xZp #smm https://t.co/GZQNYphNgi
RT @nytimes: What some call a "Ring of Fire" eclipse will appear above parts of Africa on Thursday https://t.co/zyDTdgRrtg https://t.co/uc6...
Today's African #proverb: A fox does not escort a chicken. An Acholi proverb sent by Maryano Otto, Kampala, Uganda
Police Search for Missing Journalist: https://t.co/5Ej9VhCHT9 #Rwanda
Rwanda: Local Startups Urged to be Acumen in Business to Succeed https://t.co/FRZOH4Z8ez #Africa #Business | https://t.co/JTSDbuea1X
USD1 Million innovateAFRICA Fund for digital media launched https://t.co/em2v1vbIhQ via @Biz_Africa
Why African solar is a hotbed for investment https://t.co/fHbO2CiQez #Africa #startups | https://t.co/JTSDbuea1X
"If we can't save the African elephant, what is the hope of conserving the rest of Africa's wildlife?" https://t.co/QwIcbpa1QS
Content Marketing and the Art of the Quotable (by @BrandingMatt) https://t.co/Ey9yMvs5Hu #smm
RT @CNN: Nearly a third of Africa's elephants were wiped out in just 7 years, study shows https://t.co/hRI57CJ9Fk https://t.co/wSJRpfeCYT
RT @jeffbullas: 4 Ways To Improve Your Social Media Marketing By Making Friends https://t.co/0j8YvEWEh1 #SMM #socialmedia https://t.co/fQa...
Govt Starts Construction of New City in Zimbabwe https://t.co/NoakiCdWpK #Zimbabwe
Uber to Launch Chopper Services in Kenya https://t.co/ld9r3Khs0P #Kenya
Protesters Set Fire to Parliament Building - Witnesses: https://t.co/OAWkCzEbB2 #Gabon
What Will Blogging do for Your #SEO? A Lot Actually (via @RankPay) https://t.co/yf2dm92sng #smm https://t.co/N5J6tgrBot
These are the world's most innovative economies https://t.co/M5pIAgxKR2 #innovation https://t.co/1RKdjTkyh5
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