30 Aug 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

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African leaders commit to empowering youth, women to transform Africa
African leaders commit to empowering youth, women to transform Africa
African, Japanese and other leaders at the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VI), in Nairobi, will empower youth and women to transform Africa... read

Benedict Kusi Ampofo
Finalists for Africa's leading youth entrepreneurship award
The Anzisha Prize applauds outstanding youth entrepreneurs between the ages of 15 and 22 for effecting change through innovative, people-centred solutions across Africa... read

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The love affair between young Nigerians and disruptive mobile technology
The love affair between young Nigerians and disruptive mobile technology

Magnus Nmonwu

Young Nigerians are mobile-first people - technology is inspiring young entrepreneurs to create businesses that could not have existed in the past... read
Lesotho TV
Lesotho TV to expand broadcast reach
Lesotho TV has gone fully tapeless with an Avid production and post production suite installed, and will now expand services beyond the capital, Maseru... read
Service Partners across YahClick's markets, along with the Yahsat and iDirect team training them on the product.
YahClick unveils Virtual Network Operator Service
YahClick Virtual Network Operator service offering developed in collaboration with VT iDirect... read
Econet to broadcast Formula 1 races to sub-Saharan Africa
Econet to broadcast Formula 1 races to sub-Saharan Africa
Econet Media has added Formula 1 racing to its portfolio after concluding a three-and-a-half-year deal with Formula One World Championship... read
Virtual reality meets cause marketing
Virtual reality meets cause marketing

Sheila McGillivray

It's expected that virtual reality will be an $80bn market by 2025. The list of businesses coming on board with VR is long and impressive... read
The value of data for media analysis

Jaco Pienaar

Data has become a critical element for the growth of the digital society. And while its importance transcends industries, it is especially in media analysis where it has enabled brands, agencies, and journalists to become more effective... read
IDE generates business and investment in African real estate
IDE generates business and investment in African real estate

Issued by IDE Consulting Services

Design Mission Africa, taking place in Johannesburg in November, is focussed specifically on establishing a smooth pathway for the stakeholders of the real estate and development industry... read
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Customer journey design course
Brandlove - 5 Sep 2016 to 6 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Developing a media strategy
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 5 Sep 2016 to 7 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Social media marketing bootcamp
8 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Creative writing and editing corporate publications
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 19 Sep 2016 to 23 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Digital Media Africa
WAN-IFRA - 28 Sep 2016 to 30 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Christian Nestell Bovee
"Doubt whom you will, but never yourself."

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The Top 5 Social Media Security Risks You Need to be Aware of https://t.co/lh8GxDOZVn #socialmedia https://t.co/E08rD8Bgsf
RT @ThuliMadonsela3: If you consciously choose to be a positive influence in the world you will always find opportunities to make a differe...
The 29 Most Common Social Media Rules: https://t.co/lh53hIOU1b Which Ones Are Real? Which Ones Are Breakable? https://t.co/crz1tbHGpn
The Apple Store is about to change drastically https://t.co/JSE4KsVKeq
Airtel Money to pay interest on Mobile Money wallets https://t.co/1Mz1Yittkq #Africa #Tech | https://t.co/6xnQJh1LR2
Rwandan Prime Minister Says Conservation Can Boost Economies: https://t.co/6BZlcEKfeu #Africa
Paid $75,000 to Love a Brand on Instagram. But Is It an Ad? https://t.co/kUuMWvJ11i
Three days after removing human editors, Facebook is already trending fake news https://t.co/2TaAtg1dCp via @washingtonpost
"90% of displaced are not in the rich world - contrary to the perception of most in the rich world" - @RefugeesChief https://t.co/gkCzUPIvoo
RT @brainpickings: Louise Bourgeois on art, integrity, and the key to confidence in creative work https://t.co/byB9XykF4M https://t.co/VOqD...
WhatsApp sharing data with Facebook raises alarm for privacy advocates. https://t.co/yAXpw7lerq https://t.co/vcDJxEHc59
WhatsApp Announces Change to Privacy Policy, Will Share Data with Facebook https://t.co/eJ31xj5aZ2 #socialmedia https://t.co/iGAlxHt9Xv
Egyptian taxi app Ousta raises $1.25m to accelerate growth https://t.co/OyqlOlHKb1 #Africa #startups | https://t.co/6xnQJh1LR2
Finalists for Africa's leading youth entrepreneurship award announced https://t.co/VzEAHwJwIF via @Biz_Africa
SEACOM launches direct-to-corporate services in Kenya https://t.co/bDaH9okz6c #Africa #Tech | https://t.co/6xnQJh1LR2
Govt Shuts Two Radio Stations: https://t.co/N8z0jSOwAV #Tanzania
African leaders commit to empowering youth, women to transform Africa https://t.co/ejzYkGhfZj via @Biz_Africa https://t.co/IoZ5xe94gy
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