23 Aug 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

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CEOs invigorate your marketing teams to achieve your 2017 marketing objectives
[Bandile Ndzishe] A recent study from Stein IAS, in partnership with the Chief Executive Group, revealed that CEOs have evolved their expectations for marketing. But they don't think their CMOs are evolving with them... read

Five steps to effective digital strategy implementation
Five steps to effective digital strategy implementation

John Tadman

In today's highly competitive market, companies need to recognise and capture the diverse skills and expertise of the entire workforce to deliver results... read
Addis Ababa to host 10th African Development Forum
Addis Ababa to host 10th African Development Forum
Preparations are underway for the 10th African Development Forum to be convened by the Economic Commission for Africa, the African Union and the African Development Bank... read
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Pan-African initiative to amplify women's voices
Graça Machel Trust announces new initiative to create a powerful movement of African women focused on advancing Africa's future... read

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African film content classification and online child protection
Kenyan Film Classification Board conducts reciprocal visit to South Africa... read
Source: IT News Africa
Big Data is watching - embrace the benefits

Wynand Smit

Consumers are getting wise to brand activities and the collection of big data - but it's not as simple as they may assume... read
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Kangpe named Nigeria's 'Best Startup' at Seedstars Lagos
Kangpe won the Nigeria round of Seedstars World and will represent the country at the Seedstars Summit in Switzerland... read
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Technology to play a key role in global food security
Technology will increasingly play an important role in agricultural food production as the world races to ensure that food supply will be able to meet growing demand in the future... read
Marian Cramers
The future of social media analytics

Jessica Tennant

With image-based social networks on the rise, the latest being Instagram, Pinterest and more recently Snapchat, businesses are increasingly adopting social media analytics tools to gain insights from social data to drive strategy... read
Chris Snelling via  - Buitenverwachting and vineyards, Constantia
Traverse the best wine countries in Africa

Josephine Wawira

For many, the mention of wine brings luxury, vineyards, dining and wining to the imagination. For other, fancies go all the way to romantic and exotic destinations... read
Facebook aims for video-loving teenagers with new app
Facebook aims for video-loving teenagers with new app
Facebook on Friday took direct aim at video-loving adolescents, and Snapchat, with the release of a new iPhone app that allows teens to watch clips about the lives of their classmates. read
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New events to diarise
Sunday Times Top Brands Conference
Times Media Events - 23 Aug 2016, Johannesburg

Ciclope Media Festival
99c - ninety9cents - 23 Aug 2016, Cape Town | 25 Aug 2016, Johannesburg

Advanced programme in event management
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 25 Aug 2016 to 11 Nov 2016, Pretoria

African Entrepreneurship Exchange 2016 Breakfast
Makamba Online - 29 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Internal communications with a purpose
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 5 Oct 2016 to 7 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Vince Lombardi
"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence."

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CEOs, invigorate your marketing teams to achieve your 2017 marketing objectives | https://t.co/grQ9hvkafX @BandileNdzishe via @Biz_Marketing
Today's African #proverb: The path does not close on a man with a machete. Sent Byokwerowat Nyero Michael, Gulu, Uganda
Pan-African initiative to amplify women's voices https://t.co/WqYCLxPbrI from @G_MachelTrust via @Biz_Africa https://t.co/NiTw3oefbQ
The psychology behind emoji and how to use them in your social media #marketing ???? https://t.co/8STB2jMuFg https://t.co/6otP3ES3DK
Rwanda: Multimillion Dollar Irrigation Dam Project to Boost Agriculture https://t.co/cq5vHmFL5Y #Africa #Business... https://t.co/JTSDbtWzap
How Infrastructure Development Can Turn Around Continent's Fortunes: https://t.co/7Dewax9UYd #Africa
Rwanda: What New Online Portal Means for Agric Export-Import Enterprises https://t.co/aqPAeMokIh #Africa #Busines... https://t.co/JTSDbtWzap
SAPVoice: How timely social media can keep your customers happy https://t.co/lsCayI39TY @SAP https://t.co/pQV5gIWFhR
RT @SuperSportTV: #Rio2016 was a memorable #Olympics for many African nations. Here's the medal breakdown >> https://t.co/aqzUIpu29u https...
.code4sa's #interactive map helps visualise poverty & service delivery issues in #CapeTown https://t.co/yuMlpjsPsb https://t.co/s3B6HwVNsH
Apps are essential for true digital transformation https://t.co/Or9ltgMP21 #Africa #tech | https://t.co/JTSDbtWzap
Airtel Ghana hands over library to Ajumako Entumbil community https://t.co/3wprQ78s1V
7 Simple Changes to Ramp Up Your Social Media Marketing (by @meloniedodaro) https://t.co/hITme6URId #smm https://t.co/fIoeCAxJo2
Artificial intelligence could transform healthcare, but we need to accept it first https://t.co/7zWQTuUWKE https://t.co/DFJvmMYcfL
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