19 Aug 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

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Building brands in a world we can't control
Building brands in a world we can't control
[Enver Groenewald] It used to be that people only had a few TV channels to watch and radio stations to listen to. Routines were planned around what time their favourite programmes were aired... read

2016 All Africa Business Leaders Awards finalists announced
2016 All Africa Business Leaders Awards finalists announced
The finalists in the 2016 All Africa Business Leaders Awards (AABLA) in Partnership with CNBC Africa were announced during a live broadcast... read
Good bye marketing! Hello growth hacking
Good bye marketing! Hello growth hacking

Joseph Neusu

I am currently reading Ryan Holiday's book, Growth Hacker Marketing, alongside other growth hacking resources, about 33 of them in total... read

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Pansula dance
Take a virtual reality tour of Africa
A South African alcohol brand has launched a virtual reality tour of Africa... read
Director, Brand and Communications, AFRIMA, Matlou Tsotsesi, unveils Lagos State as the Host City for the 2016 All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMA 3.0)
African Union declares Lagos as the official host city of AFRIMA 2016
The African Union Commission has announced Lagos State as the official Host City of the third edition of the All Africa Music Awards... read

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If only it were this easy to create loyal customers! © Anyka -
#CEMAfrica: Creating customers

Leigh Andrews

It's not about the low-hanging fruit or quick wins, effective customer experience management that results in happy returning customers is all about effective change now to improve the overall future customer experience (CX)... read
Five SEO skills you need for a successful content marketing campaign
Five SEO skills you need for a successful content marketing campaign

Alexander Grosu

After Pokémon Go going viral in just one week, it would be an understatement to say that things are simply changing. Humanity is rapidly heading toward a future we've only seen in science fiction movies... read
African countries square up for battle over future of ivory trade ban
African countries square up for battle over future of ivory trade ban

Chris Alden and Ross Harvey

Three countries in southern Africa have banded together to press for the ban on the international trade in ivory to be lifted... read
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New events to diarise
Advanced programme in event management
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 25 Aug 2016 to 11 Nov 2016, Pretoria

Design thinking for brand building
Vega School - 8 Sep 2016, Durban | 8 Sep 2016 to 9 Sep 2016, Johannesburg | 8 Sep 2016 to 9 Sep 2016, Pretoria | 8 Sep 2016 to 9 Sep 2016, Cape Town

Creative writing and editing corporate publications
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 19 Sep 2016 to 23 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

African Entrepreneurship Exchange 2016 Breakfast
Makamba Online - 29 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Internal communications with a purpose
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 5 Oct 2016 to 7 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Arthur Schopenhauer
"Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed. In the second, it is opposed. In the third, it is regarded as self evident."

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#ClimateSmart agriculture is improving the life of millions of African farmers ? https://t.co/jDcGwYKTtu #IDAWorks
Arla Foods agrees to share product development & technical knowledge free of charge to farmers across Nigeria #ArlaMoU
Nigeria requires 3.2m metric tons of fish annually - Expert https://t.co/4a4e214xBI via @todayng https://t.co/lon7o6haPD
About 200 people gather in central Harare carrying flowers for peace and holding posters reading "Mugabe Must Go" https://t.co/7Q8lqU7Hog
What, Exactly, Do Brands Want Out of Influencer Marketing? https://t.co/5I5uEluhBw #smm https://t.co/WvzYcSNiOc
Google hasn't given up on Glass-yet https://t.co/k3eJGgfNhF https://t.co/haGRSHiw0X
UN and Ugandan government cut food rations amid influx of South Sudanese refugees https://t.co/niHOTZ41Qq
Why are some people more productive than others? Science has the answer https://t.co/ytOMLMBKtN #leadership https://t.co/T2gqjdTj7S
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Kenyan pharmacy chain - why have one store, when you can have five? https://t.co/y2m5fFzcyL https://t.co/GV8zNc5JJJ
Billions Go To Cloud Services, But Often Without A Game Plan https://t.co/a9wHkKYld7 #ictafrica https://t.co/tEZHoUAM8C
Pivot, a TV network targeting millennials, will go dark https://t.co/kEVWQuxuhh https://t.co/Y4jYSx2iP4
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