8 Aug 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

Purpose-driven brands are breakthrough brands

There were two sets of content I worked on this week that were so inspiring: the 'Breakthrough Brands' report from Interbrand; and Bizcommunity.com's Focus on CSI trend report. Both talk to the value of purpose-driven, authentic brands that touch the consumer.
In 'Interbrand identifies the global 'Breakthrough Brands' disrupting markets', two African brands: Kenya's M-Pesa and South Africa's Tuluntulu, were identified as breakthrough brands among a host of other global brands that are the next generation of brands to disrupt and shape the market.
The most important attributes of the breakthrough brands is their agility, ability to leverage technology, handle change, as well as balance innovation with core values. In my #Trending column, 'What does it take to be a "breakthrough" brand?, one of the specific characteristics for success mentioned, is the fact that they are purpose-driven brands. They are brands that produce meaningful narratives, based on their purpose which is part of their "DNA" - they don't just measure success in terms of market share or profits, but their values and connection to their customers.
This of course all ties in with purpose-driven marketing and corporate social responsibility and investment, as outlined by the contributors to our Focus on CSI trend report which we have been publishing over the past week, into this week. It highlights that sustainable brands grow faster because customers do reward brands that demonstrate values aligned to theirs.

Have a great week!
Louise Marsland
Africa Editor: Bizcommunity.com

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