29 Jul 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

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Ad networks vs Ad exchanges - what's the difference?
[Paula Raubenheimer] The current online advertising environment can be confusing and seemingly fragmented with native advertising, premium display advertising and now programmatic advertising being thrown in the mix... read

[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 183: Evolution of CEM and the CEM Africa Summit
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 183: Evolution of CEM and the CEM Africa Summit
On the latest episode of Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show host Warren Harding spoke to Simon Cranswick and Mike Jones... read

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Race against time in drought-ravaged Southern Africa
Race against time in drought-ravaged Southern Africa to ensure 23 million people receive farming support in the worst drought in 35 years... read

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Digital transformation in East Africa
Digital transformation in East Africa
Innovation and aggressive broadband expansion is leading digital transformation in East Africa... read

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USAID announces $127 million drought aid to Southern Africa
Additional humanitarian funding from USAID will be provided through UN and NGO partners to help address the needs of those affected by the drought... read
Global Media Summit for Cape Town in November
Global Media Summit for Cape Town in November
The International News Media Association (INMA) yesterday unveiled plans for a Global Media Summit 14 - 15 November 2016, in Cape Town, South Africa... read
Cigarettes and smuggling claims: turning around negative perceptions
Cigarettes and smuggling claims: turning around negative perceptions

Dharmesh Nagar

Faced with smuggling claims around a client brand, Dharmesh Nagar and his Media Revolution team had to act to protect their client's brand... read
Experts give insight in new report on the cultural connection to brand attraction
Experts give insight in new report on the cultural connection to brand attraction
A new report from the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, Building Brands That Attract and Engage Fans, taps into expert opinion from PepsiCo, Visa, J&J, PetSmart, Cox Communications, Opus Bank... read
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Exec Think Tank
nlighten - 11 Aug 2016, Sandton

PRISA 2016 Conference
PRISA - 17 Aug 2016 to 18 Aug 2016, Durban

Casino Marketing Forum
Eventus-International - 23 Aug 2016 to 25 Aug 2016, Johannesburg

Sunday Times Top Brands Conference
Times Media Events - 23 Aug 2016, Johannesburg

Design thinking for brand building
Vega School - 8 Sep 2016, Durban | 8 Sep 2016 to 9 Sep 2016, Johannesburg | 8 Sep 2016 to 9 Sep 2016, Pretoria | 8 Sep 2016 to 9 Sep 2016, Cape Town

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"The best way out is always through."

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Elon Musk is building a $5 billion gigafactory in the Nevada desert https://t.co/d8O3KE6UdZ https://t.co/QNjexG7BlV - Fri Jul 29
6 New #SocialMedia Marketing Tools the Experts Use. You Should, Too. https://t.co/BDYkZbxG3o via @neilpatel https://t.co/EuEqCnp2NG - Fri Jul 29
5 innovative design solutions to the refugee crisis, backed by IKEA https://t.co/IYVymNBn4X https://t.co/dUetjl683a - Fri Jul 29
10 facts that show Amazon is totally dominating https://t.co/BF3moy5SBG - Fri Jul 29
RT @GayleSmith: Innovations to save #MomAndBaby aren't just cool-- they're transformative. They're changing people's lives. #DevX2016 @GCDS... - Fri Jul 29
How to create engaging images for #socialmedia: A simple guide for non-designers ?? https://t.co/4XpIzUlNSN https://t.co/6P8RQso835 - Fri Jul 29
These 10 'disruptive innovations' will change our world, according to Citi https://t.co/mhgpsrfCzL via @CNBCPro - Fri Jul 29
This is what the #internet looked like when it was first invented https://t.co/HiZCLVHx7N https://t.co/Gbhvhvhi0q - Fri Jul 29
We talked to the creator of 'Pokémon GO' about building the most popular mobile game ever https://t.co/xmIJEqBPFV https://t.co/e3CwQZ8Qlb - Fri Jul 29
How storytelling can add meaning and imagination to the purchase -- by @drewneisser https://t.co/7dNwG87xLE - Fri Jul 29
Why #Instagram Needs to Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy [Infographic] (by @MDMJonathan) https://t.co/Sf5Amm4wQN https://t.co/YmnIyI31QN - Fri Jul 29
RT @bbcworldservice: Using radio to help children support each other after Ebola in Sierra Leone ?? https://t.co/TNL0ysnstH https://t.co/YfX... - Fri Jul 29
The Hive offers visitors insight into the 4 ways of #bees https://t.co/1ZGeUEoNQu #BeesNeeds #art https://t.co/ammKgPCBHI - Fri Jul 29
42% of people are more likely to complete a task they've handwritten, says @Postit https://t.co/Hkwk8lnQu7 https://t.co/VZvp63Vl9X - Fri Jul 29
A complete guide to #Instagram marketing: https://t.co/WQJF8V5ELk The playbook that drives results for top brands ?? https://t.co/HJG2PahRc0 - Fri Jul 29
The Future of Social Media is Mobile - Are You Ready? (by @jshemenski) https://t.co/SXEdxwSQq7 #smm https://t.co/Ar2acI12Ry - Fri Jul 29
More than digital plus traditional: A truly omnichannel customer experience https://t.co/mNaNs7gN1D - Fri Jul 29
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