22 Jul 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

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Aquila flight
Aquila's first flight: A big milestone toward connecting billions of people
Aquila's first flight is part of Facebook's overall commitment in overcoming the remaining barriers to universal connectivity... read

[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 182: AR and VR & Native VML and Y&R SA partnership
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 182: AR and VR & Native VML and Y&R SA partnership
On the latest episode of Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show host Warren Harding spoke to Glenn Gillis and Ben Wagner... read
The power of long-form content in corporate social responsibility

Spero Patricios

You can't turn on a screen in 2016 without seeing an example of branded content or native advertising flit across your eyes... read
Image by 123RF
FMCG sector in sub-Saharan Africa is set to boom
Sub-Saharan Africa's rapidly rising middle class is a huge FMCG market in waiting, says Southern African FMCG entrepreneur Adam Molai... read
Image by 123RF
The rise of Afrilennials and how to communicate with them

Nandi Zambodla

Millennials represent the largest segment of the population and are our first truly digital natives. Do you know how to get in touch with them... read
South Sudan arrests Juba Monitor editor
South Sudan arrests Juba Monitor editor
South Sudan authorities arrest editor, order Juba Monitor to cease publishing... read
Creating great customer service to elevate business
Creating great customer service to elevate business
Good customer service forms the basis of a successful business to consumer organisation, for though the customer is not always right, he or she has the power to make or break a company's reputation... read
Successful brand experience innovation, tips and examples
Successful brand experience innovation, tips and examples
For marketers, brand experience innovation is more important than ever, because today's consumers are far more interested in what a brand does than what a brand says... read
A Cashbuild outlet in Rustenburg, North West.
New stores add to Cashbuild's revenue and customer base
Cashbuild's revenue jumped 9% in the fourth quarter to June from the previous financial year, with 20 new stores opening since the beginning of July 2014, contributing a 3% increase... read
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New events to diarise
Design School Southern Africa - Open Day
Design School Southern Africa - 23 Jul 2016, Johannesburg | 23 Jul 2016, Pretoria | 23 Jul 2016, Durban

Just Design It - 4 Aug 2016 to 5 Aug 2016, Bloemfontein

Sunday Times Top Brands Conference
Times Media Events - 23 Aug 2016, Johannesburg

Tshwane Youth Business Expo
DIMPLEFACE MEDIA - 10 Sep 2016, Pretoria

Julie Andrews
"Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th."

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This is how original thinkers dream up new ideas and make them happen: https://t.co/tyVAL21A9r - Fri Jul 22
RT @EconMEastAfrica: Africa's quiet revolution: the rise of the urban farmer https://t.co/oPnP89dhiI https://t.co/dvYm0NO81y - Fri Jul 22
RT @UNGeneva: How can Africa finance the #SDGs and maintain debt sustainability? Find out more in new #UNCTADAfrica report. https://t.co/Nn... - Fri Jul 22
RT @BBCNewsAsia: The end of an era. Japan 'to stop making VCR machines': https://t.co/Xx2BscAk1s https://t.co/5enttVl92c - Fri Jul 22
5 questions to ask yourself before sending any email https://t.co/1jP09Fys5h - Fri Jul 22
We estimate nearly 1 in 4 South Sudanese citizens are displaced https://t.co/GedxVlQ6rD https://t.co/mo0kmEQQr9 - Fri Jul 22
RT @LouiseOFresco: Great piece about globalization & its special potential in Africa, realism without rejection, by @calestous Juma https:/... - Fri Jul 22
Should You Use Hashtags on #Facebook? Here's What the Research Says https://t.co/ulJS454znb #socialmedia https://t.co/HqRfd6yv5C - Fri Jul 22
Article: Twitter's User Base to Grow by Double Digits This Year https://t.co/9FOHIjOsp5 - Fri Jul 22
'Pokémon Go' finally comes to Japan with McDonald's tie-up https://t.co/NSmGjojvUf https://t.co/Y3HjzsdIws - Fri Jul 22
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