11 May 2016
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Marketing & Media Africa

Today's top stories
The six Africa youth trends you can't ignore
Six trends that reflect the new attitudes and changing priorities of African youth in 2016... read

Celebrating African business communities in May
[Issued by Bizcommunity.com] Bizcommunity is celebrating Africa Day, 25 May, with a special Africa focus all month and the appointment of a senior editor to produce daily Africa media and marketing news... read

Africa Month
#AfricaMonth [Behind the Selfie] with... Femi Oke

Leigh Andrews

This week, we find out what's really going on behind the selfie with technophile Femi Oke, host of The Stream on Al Jazeera English... read
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[Biz Takeouts Lineup] 173: E-commerce with the Cape Union Mart Group
Tune in to the Biz Takeouts Marketing & Media radio show on 12 May 2016, from 9-10am, as show host Warren Harding chats to Amanda Herson... read
Africa's CEOs look to innovation, technology for growth
In this uncertain global economic environment, Africa's CEOs at the World Economic Forum on Africa are looking to innovation and technology to stimulate growth... read
10 nominees for Africa Innovation Prize
African ingenuity this year showcases breakthroughs in malaria and other public health burdens, smart solutions for farmers and dynamic power initiatives ... read
PhD Scholarship programme launches in Mauritius
The Planet Earth Institute (PEI) and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) initiative, in partnership with the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), has launched 'Her Excellency Mrs Ameenah Gurib-Fakim PhD Scholarship Programme' in Mauritius. Additional partners will be announced in due course... read
Ringier Africa, One Africa Media in classifieds JV
Ringier One Africa Media (ROAM) was officially launched today, 10 May 2016, creating a powerful new classifieds media brand in Africa... read
Deal to create Africa's largest classifieds group

Issued by Private Property

Ringier Africa and One Africa Media (OAM) have agreed to merge their pan-African Classifieds assets to create and grow Africa's largest classifieds group... read
Investing in Nigeria 'the Tangy Potato'

Graeme Pitt

Insights into investing in Nigeria, the economic powerhouse of Africa... read
Glow TV ceases on 30 June 2016
Glow TV, launched by Kagiso Media in October 2013, will no longer be available on media platforms from 30 June 2016... read
Neuromarketing: From design studio to C-suite

Leigh Andrews

The 'silo mentality' is slowly but surely falling away in ad agencies - now that collaborative business mindset is spreading across all industries. Here's why your marketing strategy needs to follow suit and become a top-line conversation... read
New events to diarise
International filmmaker workshop
Auteur Film School - 14 May 2016, Cape Town | 28 May 2016, Sandton

Social Media in the Workplace
Law@work, UCT Faculty of Law - 19 May 2016 to 20 May 2016, Cape Town

Marketing Indaba Conference
CADEK Media - 25 May 2016 to 26 May 2016, Cape Town

Benchmarking PR Fees
26 May 2016, Cape Town

Essentials of broadcast management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 20 Jun 2016 to 24 Jun 2016, Grahamstown

Malala Yousafzai
"Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world."

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Transparency International Defends Nigeria: https://t.co/BPOji2QxDZ #Nigeria - Wed May 11
RT @billsoftnet: Internet of Things: Job Killer or Job Creator? https://t.co/ozEBhYmThX #InternetOfThings #IOT #Technology #Business https:... - Wed May 11
On Facebook's Influence Over the News Cycle and What it Means for Media https://t.co/Xrh1pQOWbN #socialmedia https://t.co/53jFsv30q2 - Wed May 11
African artists and photographers are getting some serious attention in NY: https://t.co/tKP84A4Mq7 https://t.co/kW8MB0LtbP - Wed May 11
Spotlight On Rwanda As World Economic Forum Opens in Kigali: https://t.co/Dk0OgFgdxZ #Africa - Wed May 11
Infrastructure investments highlight bright spots for SSA economic diversification https://t.co/l92q6mkfST #Africa #Technology - Wed May 11
"Everyone can rise above their circumstances&achieve success if they are dedicated to&passionate about what they do" https://t.co/34WxslTD2E - Wed May 11
RT @calestous: #Nigeria oil output hits 22-year low on renewed unrest, and the fuel queues are back https://t.co/JnyBksgFfP https://t.co/by... - Wed May 11
New York listed tech company partners with AlphaCode to boost financial innovation in Africa https://t.co/9JuDqYICGH #Africa #Technology - Wed May 11
Nigeria rejects David Cameron's comments that it is "fantastically corrupt" calling the remarks "embarrassing" https://t.co/iJFE4sbRwK - Wed May 11
IMF Says African Economies Face Second Tough Year: https://t.co/tdRsR7RATg #Africa - Wed May 11
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