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Marketing & Media Africa

Building a customer-centric organisation

Technological innovation moves at a breathtaking pace these days, as we all know. Much of the innovation that is seeing the creation of apps and mobile solutions built to solve all kinds of problems or new services, globally, making the Internet of Things (IoT) a reality, is driven by mobile innovation.
Millward Brown released its Insights report this past week: by 2020 there will be more than 50 billion connected devices worldwide - which translates to seven devices per person.
The massive data that is being generated by our connected customer is mindboggling and will "reshape our brands and business to become truly customer-centric", as Millward Brown reports, emphasising that creating a customer-centric culture is about focusing on what customers value most and then aligning this with overall business strategy and brand promise.
Millward Brown asks the question: "So, as an African marketer, how will you build for customer-centric growth? How will you prepare your organisation for this new 'revolution'? One has to be agile to be ready for today's ever-changing business world, and the best way to prepare is to develop a strong purpose to guide the company, build the processes and structure to ensure customers are at the heart of all actions and decisions."
Have a customer-centric week!

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Today's top stories
Africa looks to its entrepreneurs
[Raphael Obonyo] With unemployment rates around the continent remaining worryingly high, a majority of African nations are hoping entrepreneurship will create jobs... read

Effective Measure expands into Africa
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Africa regional leather design studio launched
Mombasa hosts stakeholders for launch of the regional leather design studio which has garnered global backing... read

Fast internet for Africa by 2020

Gabriella Mulligan

Campaign launched for faster internet for all Africa by 2020... read

Nigeria leads on hotel development
Nigeria still leads the continent with the highest number of pipeline hotels in Africa ... read
Free wi-fi for Lagos City Mall
Nigeria: Airtel and Lagos City Mall partner on free Wi-Fi... read
MTN Uganda launches SME business support centre
MTN announces new bundles for business; combines Voice, Data and SMS... read
Africa leads the way with mobile data
There has been a significant shift in the telecommunications landscape over the last 15 years, and the fast evolution of connectivity has brought us from the screeching tones of a dial up connection to ADSL, fibre... read
New events to diarise
Journos Gym
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 10 May 2016 to 12 May 2016, Johannesburg

Management Training For New Managers
Red and Yellow School - 12 May 2016, Johannesburg | 26 May 2016, Johannesburg | 9 Jun 2016, Johannesburg | 30 Jun 2016, Johannesburg

Benchmarking PR Fees
26 May 2016, Cape Town

Essentials of broadcast management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 20 Jun 2016 to 24 Jun 2016, Grahamstown

Adobe Creative Cloud
Multidimensions - 20 Jul 2016, Johannesburg

Earl Nightingale
"All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination."

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