4 May 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Marketing & Media Africa

Today's top stories
Emojis take centre stage in TLC's new brand campaign
TLC Entertainment has announced the launch of a new interactive Africa website and 360 brand campaign, including the use of emojis... read

Growth falls to 15-year low in Sub-Saharan Africa: IMF
Economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa fell last year to its lowest level in 15 years... read

Africa Month
#AfricaMonth: SimbaPay increases single transfer amount
FinTech company, SimbaPay, has made it significantly easier for Africans living abroad to transfer large sums of money home. read
#AfricaMonth: Hitting the buzzer for local TV format

Leigh Andrews

'Local game show' doesn't necessarily mean endless reruns of Noot vir Noot. Launch Factory's GM: branded content Apollo Zake explains how Down for the Guap scooped a SAFTA after running for just one season, and the importance of creating African content... read
Read more
Achieving Africa Agenda 2063 development goals
Capacity remains the missing link in achieving development goals in Africa... read
Tripoli cafes offer Libyans taste of normality
A coffee habit has returned some normalcy to Libya's street life and culture... read
Insights2020: Three dimensions for customer-centric growth

Issued by Millward Brown

By 2020 there will be more than 50 billion connected devices worldwide, that is seven devices per person. Welcome to the era of the connected consumer!... read
Innovation Africa 2016: Kenyan Cabinet Secretary confirms official and exclusive patronage

Issued by AfricanBrains

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has enthusiastically endorsed the 6th Innovation Africa Summit to take place from 20-22 September at the Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya... read
Pan-African food and hospitality show launches
Food and Hospitality Africa launched this week to showcase trade opportunities into Africa... read
SimbaPay raises single money transfer limit to $45,000
SimbaPay has announced that it has raised its single transaction limit from $3,000 to $45,000. According to Victor Karanja, head of operations of SimbaPay: "A pain point for customers in the past has been having to undertake multiple transfers to complete a single purchase. A key risk with multiple transfers was exchange rate fluctuation. Sending up to $45,000 with just our mobile app will protect senders from the fluctuation that arises when one splits up the transfer." read
New events to diarise
Journos Gym
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 10 May 2016 to 12 May 2016, Johannesburg

Video For Social - Free Workshop in Joburg
Red and Yellow School - 12 May 2016, Johannesburg

Social Media in the Workplace
Law@work, UCT Faculty of Law - 19 May 2016 to 20 May 2016, Cape Town

Graphic and web design workshops
Multidimensions - 15 Jul 2016 to 4 Aug 2016, Johannesburg

Crisis communications course
Quo Vadis Communications - 18 Oct 2016 to 19 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Edith Wharton
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."

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Rwanda: Govt Lays Out Strategy to Promote Locally Made Goods https://t.co/mLkTtPJJaG https://t.co/7MBz0juWpx #Africa #Business - Wed May 04
54 African Artists. 54 Works. Their Inspiration: 'Illuminated Africa' https://t.co/ak7AAyC7wa @AADFund @AfDB_Group https://t.co/rjG8kVQU1T - Wed May 04
RT @CityTshwane: City of Tshwane has the largest Wi-Fi network on the African continent thanks to #TshWi-Fi #TshwaneSOCA2016 https://t.co/D... - Wed May 04
Traditional retailers: Don't re-create your business to compete against new brands. Just think outside the box. https://t.co/8CVCufRRKL - Wed May 04
8 Steps to Better Social Intelligence [Infographic] (via @drjillianney) https://t.co/7ky2LMRf9A #smm https://t.co/gy4hYblYn5 - Wed May 04
Facebook's closing in on 1b daily mobile users, according to their latest report https://t.co/7s9TyzLoQ4 #smm https://t.co/pxKLH9UXTJ - Wed May 04
Water scarcity could cut growth by 6% in some economies, the World Bank says https://t.co/FA81XrF4cI - Wed May 04
RT @JohnKerry: On #WPFD2016, we recognize vital work of journalists around the world, who often report news at great personal risk. https:/... - Wed May 04
Why Twitter's New 'Connect' Tab is an Important Step for the Platform https://t.co/PKlt6tt5Wg #smm #socialmedia https://t.co/y6KMMFKXUP - Wed May 04
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