20 Apr 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Marketing & Media Africa

Today's top stories
Kenya, Uganda teams chosen for start-up AI investment
Merck brings international start-ups to Darmstadt and Nairobi in artificial intelligence accelerator... read

Google gives multi-million Rand grant to Africa NGO
African organisation SAFOD is the beneficiary of a R10 million Google grant... read

German-Africa TV collaboration
'Eco@Africa' is Deutsche Welle and Channels TV's first coproduction with African TV station... read

South African appointed to IABC board
IABC appoints delegate from Africa to executive board... read
Meeting the UN development agenda
Safe skies and safe airports are seen as key to Africa's growth... read
[Biz Takeouts Lineup] 171: Agency focus - The Fixer Company
Tune in to the Biz Takeouts Marketing & Media radio show on 21 April 2016, from 9-10am, as show host Warren Harding chats to Colin Don Schouw... read
The JCDecaux Sub-Saharan Africa HR structure is rationalised for growth!

Issued by JCDecaux

JCDecaux in sub-Saharan Africa has rationalised and streamlined its structure to optimise the integration of the JCDecaux Group's international procedures, and accommodate the new growth strategies across the continent... read
New events to diarise
Video for social - free workshop
Red and Yellow School - 20 Apr 2016, Cape Town

Marketing your business for success
Upbeat Marketing (Pty) Ltd - 25 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Proofreading and editing
PRISA - 3 May 2016 to 4 May 2016, Randburg, Johannesburg

Journos Gym
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 10 May 2016 to 12 May 2016, Johannesburg

Saint Augustine
"Faith is to believe what you do not yet see; the reward for this faith is to see what you believe."

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Podcasting represents a growing consumer appetite for quality, narrowcast, personal media https://t.co/PxdzGRBLJ1 https://t.co/HlXenhRgvM - Wed Apr 20
Ethiopia begins two days of mourning for Gambela victims, no new info on kidnapped children. https://t.co/ug7SoTF2s9 https://t.co/yFT4vELL9z - Wed Apr 20
Here's how to use Instagram's new 60-second video option (and why you should) https://t.co/f6Z40kXhiZ https://t.co/07ayiSPV6H - Wed Apr 20
5 Tools for Tracking Brand Mentions That You'll Actually Want to Use (via @ab80) https://t.co/pP5YBKEV6a #smm https://t.co/DvHP7ISkS2 - Wed Apr 20
Al Jazeera honoured for hard-hitting films and news coverage of the refugee crisis https://t.co/aANdFsvxlq https://t.co/0YdNX4d3i4 - Wed Apr 20
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