1 Apr 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Marketing & Media Africa

Today's top stories
KPMG publishes inaugural Africa Incentive Survey
At the KPMG Pan African Tax Conversation, which took place earlier this month in Cape Town, the group released its inaugural Africa Incentive Survey (2016)... read

Biz Takeouts
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 168: NetProphet 2016 and FlightSiteAgent
On the last episode of Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show host Warren Harding spoke to Adrian Bush and Rian Bornman... read

The blurring lines between digital and real-world customer experiences

Andre Steenekamp

Just five years ago, the worlds of digital commerce and real-world customer service were separated by a massive chasm... read
Fiston Mwanza Mujila announced winner of the 2015 Etisalat Prize for Literature
Poet and novelist Fiston Mwanza Mujila was on Saturday, 19 March 2016 announced as the winner of the 2015 Etisalat Prize for Literature for his first novel, Tram 83... read
Malawi operator TNM's profit increases by 3% to K5.4bn

Gregory Gondwe

Telekom Networks Malawi (TNM), the country's integrated mobile and internet operator, has reported an increase in net profit by 3% for 2015, the company said on Wednesday... read
Report Economic Insight: Africa Q1 2016 projects GDP growth in Africa
In its report 'Economic Insight: Africa Q1 2016', the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) points to good news for African economies but warns that manufacturing still accounts for a small share of output... read
Media Freedom & Right to Know
'Anonymous' cyber-attack hits Angola govt after activists jailed
A Portuguese branch of the Anonymous hacking collective says it has shut down about 20 Angolan government websites in retaliation for the jailing of 17 youth activists for plotting "rebellion"... read
Mashable raises USD15m to expand video
NEW YORK - The online news site Mashable said on Thursday it raised $15 million in a funding round led by Time Warner's television operations, as part of its efforts to expand video offerings... read
More International
Suffering from busylepsy?

Naseem Javed

When was the last time you heard a senior executive say "I'm just too busy?" The claims of being too busy are primarily an admittance to suffering from 'busylepsy'... read
New events to diarise
Storytelling in the digital age
kokopelli partners - 6 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Google Analytics Training
7 Apr 2016, Cape Town

Professional event management
PRISA - 11 Apr 2016 to 12 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Principles of layout and design
PRISA - 14 Apr 2016 to 15 Apr 2016, Randburg, Johannesburg

Writing to picture
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 20 Apr 2016 to 22 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Herbert Simon
"One finds limits by pushing them."

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Uber CEO must face price-fixing lawsuit by passengers: U.S. judge https://t.co/naicsoc1Bi https://t.co/GHTUEj1SCV - Fri Apr 01
Looking to max out your LinkedIn profile? This infographic will help: https://t.co/ooH6BXKk6o #socialmedia https://t.co/ELyL1C9U4s - Fri Apr 01
"It takes accountability. It takes mentorship. It takes hard work and effort and time to be an overnight success." https://t.co/J11VVTWKbT - Fri Apr 01
RT @gatesfoundation: How one woman is helping some farmers in Kenya create a path out of poverty: https://t.co/wREeIHkg8J https://t.co/y9A... - Fri Apr 01
RT @Greenpeace: If Morocco can produce solar energy at NIGHT, then shouldn't we all be using the sun more? https://t.co/x3DkW4cynJ https://... - Fri Apr 01
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