22 Mar 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Marketing & Media Africa

Promoting women in business

With a push towards promoting women in business, MTN has announced the winners of the 2016 Women in Business Awards. MTN is using the initiative to continue its support for business communities in Uganda.

Staying on topic of promoting Africa, the CNN Multichoice African Journalist Awards 2016 has extended the entry deadline to 4 April, giving aspiring journalists a chance to get their entries in.

Also in the media realm, the African Blogger Awards has added new categories dealing with social issues such as women and girls empowerment, public health and active citizenship.

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Today's top stories
The MTN 2016 Women in Business Awards winners announced
The 4th Annual MTN Women in Business Awards winners have been announced. MTN launched the Women in Business initiative last month... read

How to create shareable content in social media marketing


Individuals are faced with a blizzard of media messages on a daily basis. This can make it difficult for your brand to stand out in the crowd... read
Blog post from London School of Marketing unpacks Masters' secrets
A newly published blog, from the London School of Marketing (LSM), takes a look at how Masters graduates can get a job and the five skills developed during the masters programme... read
CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards 2016 entry deadline extended
CNN International and MultiChoice have announced that African journalists have extra time to ensure their entries are submitted, with the entry deadline extended to Monday 4 April... read
Online Media
African Blogger Awards adds new categories
The third annual African Blogger Awards competition has announced three new categories for social and digital influencers across the African continent... read
Social Media
South African joins industry leaders at Ugandan Social Media Awards
The organisation has invited key speakers to provide valuable insight and commentary into digital trends. This includes representatives from Facebook, Google and Hootsuite... read
J Walter Thompson appoints Tamara Ingram as CEO
J Walter Thompson, part of the WPP Group, has appointed Tamara Ingram as its new CEO. Formerly the company's chief client team officer, she replaces Gustavo Martinez, with immediate effect... read
More International
What keeps CEOs awake at night?

Leigh Andrews

Imagine walking into a bank and being greeted by a robot that uses facial recognition to identify you and your standing in the bank, and possibly predict the service you've come in for - it's not science fiction, this is already a reality in Japan. Here's how business as we know it is about to be disrupted for good... read
Jobs offered

New events to diarise
Leveraging Linkedin
Niche Training - 29 Mar 2016, Cape Town

Digital strategy for PR
PRISA - 18 Apr 2016 to 19 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Brand management
PRISA - 22 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Journos Gym
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 10 May 2016 to 12 May 2016, Johannesburg

Pixel Up! 2016
Pixel Up! - 12 Sep 2016 to 14 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Og Mandino
"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."

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