7 Mar 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Marketing & Media Africa

Africa, rise!

It's definitely time for global brands to refocus their attention on the African market. In an exclusive interview, Danette Breitenbach finds out more from Scott Julian, one of the founding partners of Effective Measure, which was recently acquired by Insiight and plans to better create an environment of trust and an understanding of what a client is buying and that they get what they asked for from the continent.

Sticking to the topic of success unique to Africa, Ngugi Mungai writes about Node Africa, the Kenyan start-up that came to be in just six weeks and how the tech community actually achieved this milestone.

We also find out about Kariba South Primary School, the Zambian school that won the global entrepreneurship competition titled 'School Enterprise Challenge', organised by UK-based charity Teach A Man To Fish.

Definitely time for Africa to shine - we look forward to your own success stories.

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Node Africa, the Kenyan start-up that came to be in just six weeks

Ngugi Mungai

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Zambian school wins global entrepreneurship competition
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Elbert Hubbard
"The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today."

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