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Marketing & Media Africa

Today's top stories
New African Woman Awards 2016 nominees announced
The New African Woman Forum Awards sets out to honour extraordinary women who have made significant achievements in their countries and communities... read

Expanding into Africa calls for experienced partners
Africa is seen to be one of the hottest global opportunities for corporate expansion. However, not all African countries are enjoying the same speed and pace and the continent remains complex and diverse... read

Focus on Future of Work
[Future of Work] How the 'Afrillennial' wants to be recruited

Louise Marsland

Student Village CEO Ronen Aires, talks about how trends such as the rise of the African Millennial, the 'Afrillennial', will fundamentally change the workplace... read
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IAB Digital Summit & Bookmarks 2016
[Bookmark Awards 2016] All the winners
The winners for the 2016 IAB Bookmark Awards were announced to a packed audience at The Turbine Hall, Newton on Thursday, 3 March 2016... read
Biz Takeouts
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 164: Digital agency trends, SEO and innovation in 2016
On the last episode of Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show host Warren Harding spoke to Stephen Sandmann from Quirk... read
AME Awards announces 2016 award-winners
AME has announced the 2016 Award winners, after its grand jury evaluated entries submitted from 22 countries worldwide... read
Mobile technology is key to closing Africa's digital divide

Brendan McAravey

The Internet has undeniably become the lifeblood of our society, providing essential access to jobs, public services and resources to citizens. Digital services and the Internet are likely to be the future... read
MailOnline appoints AddSuite as partner for sub-Saharan Africa
Events & Conferencing
Johannesburg welcomes 7th IT Leaders Africa Summit
Now in its seventh year running, the IT Leaders Africa Summit will take place on 15 and 16 March at Vodacom World in Johannesburg... read
CNN MultiChoice African Journalist 2016 Awards open for entries
The CNN MultiChoice African Journalist 2016 Awards was officially launched this week. The competition for African nationals, based on the continent, welcomes entries from journalists creating content targeting an African audience... read
Apple, Samsung account for nearly 70% of new contactless payments customers
Apple and Samsung together account for nearly 70% of new customers making contactless payments via their mobile handsets. A new study from Juniper Research has found that the number of consumers will reach 148 million this year... read
More International
Jobs offered

New events to diarise
Facebook for PR and social media professionals
PR-Net - 14 Mar 2016, Sea Point

Online marketing/social media boot camp
The Divine Project House - 15 Mar 2016, Somerset West | 19 Apr 2016, Somerset West | 17 May 2016, Somerset West

Google Analytics Training
7 Apr 2016, Cape Town

Deep dive in design thinking - April 2016
DesignThinkers Academy - 11 Apr 2016 to 13 Apr 2016, Cape Town

Illustrated infographics and animation workshop
Multidimensions - 25 Apr 2016 to 26 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Helen Keller
"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us."

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Sofia Hydman is a Swedish art director who spends her spare time making playful GIFs: https://t.co/7qrnmXE8oF https://t.co/0kWCOamYaH - Fri Mar 04
Creating a budget may seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be that way. Use this simple, flexible method https://t.co/D0gX3Gu8Z3 - Fri Mar 04
Facebook Reaches 3 Million Advertisers, Launches 'Your Business Story' Video Tool https://t.co/NtzhrmB4bw #smm https://t.co/qDw2oBagW8 - Fri Mar 04
Avaya set to drive digital transformation In SA https://t.co/pmqGPCkXB1 #Africa #tech #news - Fri Mar 04
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