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Marketing & Media Africa

From freedom of information to mobile money

2016 has begun, and with it comes the hope of freedom of information. Britain's The Telegraph, reports that "control of access to information is a powerful weapon", especially in the hands of politicians. The article adds that "unnecessary secrecy and lack of transparency can lead to arrogance in governance and bad decision-making."

Africa doesn't have a good track record when it comes to media freedom, with countries like Eritrea and Ethiopia among the worst in the world in this regard. Perhaps 2016 will be the start of a more open and free media industry.

From media to mobile, Mobile Money Africa reports that the UAE Banks Federation (UBF) plans to finalise its mobile wallet plans in the next few months.

That's in the UAE, this mobile wallet system is already in play in Africa and has revolutionised the payment system. Payments of the future, here we come - just don't lose your phone...

Lastly, Nkem Ndem lets us in on four key things to consider before venturing into e-commerce in Nigeria. With online retail already a huge industry in Nigeria with the likes of Jumia, it's important to have your business strategy ready before entering this sector.

Here's to a happy and healthy 2016!

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Today's top stories
Freedom of information making global headlines

As the new year beckons, so too does a new way for journalists to work - without fear of punishment for seeking out the truth.... Read

Mobile wallets revolutionise African retail

[NEWSWATCH]: With a mobile wallet solution finally in the wings for the UAE, many are surprised that the technology's already in play in Africa... Read

Four key things to consider before venturing into e-commerce in Nigeria

Nkem Ndem V

For many business owners in Nigeria, e-commerce is still an enigma. However, with over 60% of people in the country now using the internet, it has become a valuable tool and popular platform... Read

Broaden your horizons with Expo Africa

Issued by Expo Africa

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Honouring Nigeria's enterprising females under 25
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BBC's pick of Africa's best quotes: 2015
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Uganda's M-PESA services to boost economic growth
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MTN Cote d'Ivoire secures local mobile services
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Etisalat announces Prize for Literature 2015 shortlist
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Data safari: Mapping emerging Africa's analytics
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Botswana-based retailer targets South African expansion

Marc Hasenfuss

Botswana-based retailer Choppies Enterprises is extending its South African footprint with the proposed acquisition of retail outlets owned by niche supermarket group Jwayelani... read
Media Freedom & Right to Know
US calls for Ethiopia to free jailed journos
NEWSWATCH: More journalists jailed in Ethiopia raises the issue of media freedom on the continent. Especially by the US, which is calling for the country to stop using its anti-terror laws to detain them... read
South Sudan in top five 'most deadliest places for journalists'
With 110 journalists killed in connection with their work or for still unclear reasons in 2015, Reporters Without Borders puts South Sudan on the list of the top five 'most deadliest places for journalists to work'... read
Voting opens for Africa Magic Viewers' Choice Awards
Public voting has opened for the nominations in the 2016 Africa Magic Viewers' Choice Awards (AMVCAs), which were revealed late last week... read
US regulators push for distinction between online ads, articles
SAN FRANCISCO, USA: With marketers creating online ads that are meant to blend in as real news stories, US regulators are trying to make sure Internet users are able to differentiate the two... read
Economical metamorphisms: 2020

Naseem Javed

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Branding lessons learned from religion (Part 1)

Jimmy Tembo

When we try to find the common denominator between a business and church, we easily appreciate the fact that the first intention is to attract people... read
Four top tips to avoid startup failure

Endri Hasanaj

Business startups are a spin of the wheel, a bigger gamble than betting on a racehorse that's primed for the glue factory... read
Jobs offered

New events to diarise
The New Year design series
iLead Training - 18 Jan 2016 to 29 Jan 2016, Pretoria

Professional telephonist etiquette
Front Foot - 25 Jan 2016, Johannesburg | 26 Jan 2016, Boksburg | 23 Feb 2016, Randburg

Five-day digital marketing course
Digital Business Academy - 1 Feb 2016 to 5 Feb 2016, Johannesburg

Next newsroom management
Rhodes University - 17 Apr 2016 to 18 Nov 2016, Grahamstown

Essentials of digital media management
Sol Plaatje Institute, Rhodes University - 2 May 2016 to 6 May 2016, Grahamstown

George Kneller
"To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted."

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