11 Dec 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Marketing & Media Africa

Today's top stories
Plan to fail in African markets: Use a copy-and-paste model
[Lisa Illingworth] Africa is perceived as a gem of untapped markets, as the new frontier for businesses with the potential for exponential growth... read

Biz Takeouts
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 160: Mobile, social, design and media with NATIVE VML
On the latest Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show, host Warren Harding interviewed NATIVE VML... read
African startups named among 100 most inspiring uses of tech

Tom Jackson

Eight African startups and organisations have been named among the 2015 Nominet Trust 100 (NT100), a global celebration of the most inspiring uses of digital technology for social good. read
Facebook brings Internet.org Innovation Challenge to Africa
Facebook is launching the Internet.org Innovation Challenge in Africa, with the aim of recognising developers and entrepreneurs who are using the internet... read
'Apping' SA's awesome SMEs

Leigh Andrews

You can be part of the new Awesome South Africa app, designed to promote local business... read
Powerful strategies for retaining your best employees

Ngugi Mungai

It's time to change the human resource strategy to stop competitors from poaching talent from your company, according to a new study... read
Afrinolly launches app to combat piracy of African films
Afrinolly has launched MarketPlace, a pay per view, secured mobile platform for the distribution of Nollywood/African movies, short films, series and more to GSM users in Nigeria... read
Twitter expands ads to reach users who don't log in
NEW YORK, USA: Twitter said Thursday it was expanding its advertising to allow marketers to reach people who use the messaging platform without logging in. read
More International
Eight festive season survival tips for small businesses

Daryl Blundell

For small businesses, the festive season might be their busiest time or an opportunity to regroup for the New Year. Here are eight ways to make the most of the holidays... read
New events to diarise
Business writing skills
Front Foot Strategic Consulting - 19 Jan 2016, Johannesburg | 10 Feb 2016, Randburg | 25 Feb 2016, Ranbdurg | 31 Mar 2016, Randburg

Five-day digital marketing course
Digital Business Academy - 1 Feb 2016 to 5 Feb 2016, Johannesburg

Essentials of newspaper management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 14 Mar 2016 to 18 Mar 2016, Grahamstown

Loyalty and Rewards Conference 2016
Trade Conferences International - 16 Mar 2016 to 17 Mar 2016, Johannesburg

Y!CON 2016
Student Village - 17 Mar 2016, Johannesburg

Steve Goodier
"Leaving what feels secure behind and following the beckoning of our hearts doesn't always end as we expect or hope. We may even fail. But here's the payoff: it can also be amazing and wonderful and immensely satisfying."

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This entrepreneur is transforming experiential marketing https://t.co/IcLaB9qwB2 https://t.co/foKPSAuKzC - Fri Dec 11
Bitcoin's elusive founder is probably a 44-year-old academic living in suburban Sydney https://t.co/M7MZz2oieU https://t.co/OxcjMsh6Ie - Fri Dec 11
Top 7 ways to safeguard your business from cyber criminals https://t.co/3g78eU7ZCb #Africa #tech #news - Fri Dec 11
Facebook will allow users to access new content while offline https://t.co/KhWD4p59lz - Fri Dec 11
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