30 Nov 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Marketing & Media Africa

OOH, micro-moments and social media for business

Today sees the start of our Special Focus on OOH (Out of Home) advertising. It features exclusive interviews with the trendsetters in this field and pinpoints global out-of-home advertising trends.

On the topic of trendsetters, Bryan Nelson, industry head at Google, writes about micro-moments as the new battleground for brands. It's about understanding where customers are and how they want to engage - online, in real fast time.

You can learn more about staying ahead of the marketing pack this week, from the 25 speakers scheduled for the social media summit titled 'Social means business' taking place in Uganda on 3 December.

Get reading and start the final month of the year with a business bang!

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Today's top stories
Micro-moments: The new battleground for brands
[Bryan Nelson] South Africa is in the middle of an internet explosion, led by the ubiquitous smartphone. Brands looking to capitalise on this growth need to understand that users are mobile and expect their needs to be addressed in the micro-moment... read

Focus on Out Of Home
Out of home on steroids

Danette Breitenbach

A high 79% of consumers have taken action after seeing an out-of-home (OOH) advertisement, with 62% doing so after seeing a digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertisement... read
Global OOH trends

Danette Breitenbach

The biggest out-of-home trend in 2016 is digital out of home (DOOH). PricewaterhouseCoopers also predicts the industry will continue to show steady growth... read
Read more
ICT can take farming into the future

Ian Theunissen

Ahmed Ibrahim Wakea Allah is a farmer in Sudan. By taking part in an e-agriculture project, he quadrupled his wheat yield in just one year read
Safaricom in Kenya ties in MTN Rwanda

Shadrack Kavilu

Safaricom has partnered with MTN Rwanda to offer mobile money transaction for M-PESA customers in Kenya and Rwanda... read
African printing industry can immensely benefit from SGI Dubai 2016
International Expo Consults (IEC) stated that the African printing industry stakeholders can immensely benefit by visiting the (Sign and Graphic Imaging) SGI Dubai 2016 trade show... read
CEO of Supermart.ng Raphael Afaedor on the state of Nigeria's e-commerce

Paul Adepoju

The last time I spoke to Raphael Afaedor in person, he was still the co-founder of Jumia, his face and that of Tunde Kehinde's had just been on Forbes and they were the focus of the foreign press including CNN. I was able to drag him aside in the hall where Jumia was celebrating its first year anniversary and when I asked him what was next for e-commerce in Nigeria... read
Social Media
Social Media Summit due in Uganda this week

Paul Tentena

The annual Social Media Summit is set to be held next month on 3 December, under the theme 'Social Means Business'... read
Registration opens for INMA World Congress in London
For the first time, the International News Media Association (INMA) World Congress will take place in London from 22-24 May 2016. The event is expected to draw nearly 500 news media executives from 50+ countries... read
New initiatives for World Publishing Expo 2016
The World Publishing Expo, organised by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), will take place in Vienna from 10-12 October 2016... read
More International
Steps to create and maintain a great company culture

John Sanei

The internet has created two clear pockets of people: the hyper-informed consumer and the hyper-sensitive staff member... read
How to go from a service provider to a trusted advisor

Farren Roper

One of the biggest mind shifts when it comes to managing relationships with customers as a business to business (B2B) company is that the rules of customer engagement have changed... read
[Relentlessly Relevant] 7. To innovate, train yourself to think: 'That's awesome! Now imagine if ...'

Douglas Kruger

Keen to innovate in your business? Here's a simple approach, based on how quickly human knowledge is advancing... read
New events to diarise
Adobe Creative Cloud - 75% festive discount!
Multidimensions - 3 Dec 2015 to 4 Dec 2015, Johannesburg

Learn everything about web design in three days
Multidimensions - 7 Dec 2015 to 9 Dec 2015, Johannesburg

Service Design Thinking Fundamentals Cape Town
DesignThinkers Group - 7 Dec 2015, Cape Town

The New Year design series
iLead Training - 18 Jan 2016 to 29 Jan 2016, Pretoria

Professional Sales
The Peer Training Group - 27 Jan 2016, Durban | 23 Feb 2016, Durban | 23 Mar 2016, Durban | 13 Apr 2016, Durban | 19 May 2016, Durban | 22 Jun 2016, Cape Town | 22 Jun 2016, Durban | 20 Jul 2016, Cape Town | 20 Jul 2016, Durban

Martin Luther King Jr.
"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way"

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Tech's newest billionaire is making a bet on the Internet of Things https://t.co/3bjmpKZxMf https://t.co/0tCCSRWHJB - Mon Nov 30
RT @ThuliMadonsela3: As we enter the last mile of the year, it's time to reflect on lessons learned and our hope for tomorrow while making ... - Mon Nov 30
First drone delivers Black Friday order in Nigeria https://t.co/7CQHiaxfuJ - Mon Nov 30
At this Nigerian school, all they do is build robots https://t.co/0nMkKbcaZg #Africa - Mon Nov 30
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