13 Nov 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Marketing & Media Africa

Today's top stories
Top four platforms for Nigerian bloggers
[Nkem Ndem V] With the expansion of social networks including Facebook and Twitter, blogging has suffered some form of backlash as people now prefer to settle for buzz on these platforms... read

Biz Takeouts
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 157: Yoco, a new integrated point-of-sale and card payment solution
On the latest Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show, host Warren Harding interviewed Carl Wazen from Yoco... read
In Africa, local companies outplay multinationals: report
Local African companies have gained a competitive edge on the continent over their multinational counterparts and are making inroads where overseas players once dominated, said a report released on Tuesday... read
Events & Conferencing
Bloomberg Business Media Innovators 2015 opens in Johannesburg
The inaugural Bloomberg Africa Business Media Innovators 2015 opened in Johannesburg on 10 November 2015 to improve data access, international collaboration, journalism training and mobile adoption... read
How mobile phones are making childbirth safer in Ethiopia
ADDIS ABABA: In Ethiopia where almost nine in every 10 women give birth at home after pregnancies with little or no medical support, a mobile phone app is coming to the rescue with lifesaving guidelines when things go wrong... read
PR & Communications
Top communicators to grace the world conference
The first world conference on public relations in emerging economies will be held in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 - 18 November 2015... read
Impact and thematic investing in Africa a cause for concern
According to new research from the UCT Graduate School of Business (GSB), almost half of all assets under investment in three of Africa's most significant economies are being invested for good in some way... read
Amazon, Facebook, Google to testify at EU parliament
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM: US online retailer Amazon, search engine giant Google and social network Facebook will testify at the European Parliament next week on the issue of tax breaks for big businesses... read
New Facebook app fires news to smartphones
SAN FRANCISCO, USA: Facebook on Wednesday released a Notify application designed to keep iPhone users up to speed on the latest news and entertainment happenings... read
More International
Five business lessons to be learned from the Rugby World Cup

Mark Taylor

The Rugby World Cup is a great metaphor for many elements of business, as both are about discipline, teamwork and efficiency. Here are five business lessons... read
New events to diarise
Africa Com
Informa - 17 Nov 2015 to 19 Nov 2015, Cape Town

HIPPO School
HIPPO Communications - 23 Nov 2015, Cape Town

The Big Issue Breakfast
HIPPO Communications - 25 Nov 2015, Cape Town

Stakeholder reputation management masterclass
The Reputation Go-to Guy - 26 Nov 2015 to 27 Nov 2015, Johannesburg

Modern Marketing Experience Conference 2015
Knowledge Integration Web (Pty) Ltd - 26 Nov 2015 to 27 Nov 2015, Johannesburg

Dale Carnegie
"Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success."

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The world's most influential CMOs in 2015 https://t.co/kbBcvSc4VY https://t.co/T6gc3f7kO5 - Fri Nov 13
INTERVIEW: Watch NY-based designer, Milton Glaser spills some design secrets. https://t.co/r6gl7L2Gg3 https://t.co/C1HA4RCzAk - Fri Nov 13
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