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Marketing & Media Africa

Today's top stories
[Mobile 360 Africa] Local digital content for Africa!
[Leigh Andrews] The need for greater digital literacy was addressed at the recent Mobile360 Africa conference... read

Toppling giants

Douglas Kruger

Legacy no longer matters. It's all about how you innovate into consumers' world today... read
South African swagger won't work in Africa

Michael Wood

There are a few fundamental practices that need a fresh approach if we are going to embrace a united African economy, something that will benefit the whole of Africa and not just us... read
Rebranding NAB Africa
Africa's got nothing to wear

Rea Khoabane

The continent's A-listers won't be able to see their favourite fashion week for the first time in its 10 years of existence. The event's organisers told designers that Africa Fashion International had been cancelled... read
SME finance low in Kenya due to lack of market data

Ngugi Mungai

Kenya still lacks rigorous analysis on the size and evolution of the small and medium enterprise finance market, which has resulted in a lack of appropriate financial services for SMEs... read
Events & Conferencing
Multi-layered delegate packages for African marketing conference
The three-day combined Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) and the South African Institute of Marketing Management (IMM) conference, 'Inspiring African Market Development', is offering multi-layered delegate packages... read
Mxit: how did Alan Knott-Craig Jr's R500m bet go so badly wrong?

Stuart Thomas

Mxit as we know it is dead. The company announced on Friday that it had shut down its commercial operations and would be transferring its IP to the Reach Trust, its charitable arm... read
[Mobile360 Africa]: Mobile access for the continent

Leigh Andrews

More females in ICT. Registering the unbanked. Proper digital training at schools. Mobile access and affordability. All hot topics... read
MTN Nigeria fined USD5.2bn by NCC
Facebook expands smartphone alerts to news, weather
SAN FRANCISCO - Facebook, making a bigger push to deliver personalized information to its members, said on Monday it was expanding its mobile alerts to include sports scores, weather updates and local news updates... read
LIA 2015 announces Print, Poster & Billboard shortlist
London International Awards (LIA) has announced the shortlist for the Print, Poster & Billboard media, with a tally of 19 Billboard, 32 Poster and 61 Print finalists. Winners will be announced on 10 November... read
New York Festivals International Advertising Awards open for 2016 competition
Entries to the 2016 New York Festivals (NYF) International Advertising Awards can now be submitted. There are three competitions on the roster, Mobile, Media and Activation & Engagement... read
More International
New events to diarise
Marketing Analytics Conference 2015
Trade Conferences International - 4 Nov 2015 to 5 Nov 2015, Johannesburg

The Business Excellence Forum and Awards
ActionCOACH SA - 5 Nov 2015 to 6 Nov 2015, Johannesburg

Reputation Management Conference
Reputation Matters - 6 Nov 2015, Cape Town

Africa Com
Informa - 17 Nov 2015 to 19 Nov 2015, Cape Town

Y!CON 2016
Student Village - 17 Mar 2016, Johannesburg

Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."

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What I learned from building a pan-African network of angels https://t.co/hXT3s53Ar2 #Africa #startups #entrepreneurship - Wed Oct 28
4 Types of #Data That Will Boost Your Marketing #ROI via @DataMentors https://t.co/vlNnGFJMSy - Wed Oct 28
Female entrepreneurship has been on an upward climb over the past several years: https://t.co/2A9jXmIFgZ - Wed Oct 28
RT @melindagates: In Tanzania, 90% of kids don't have birth certificates. Cell phones are changing that: https://t.co/KUmXeSyYe3 https://t.... - Wed Oct 28
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