China will no longer build overseas coal power plants - what energy projects will it invest in instead?Yixian Sun 4 Oct 2021
Renewable energy projects in rural Ghana have some built-in limitationsDr Basil Amuzu-Sefordzi 8 Sep 2021
Banning fossil fuels in sub-Saharan Africa could slow the transition to renewable energySamuel Ayokunle Olówósejéjé 16 Jul 2021
Australia's Fortescue in talks on giant Congo hydro projectMelanie Burton and Hereward Holland 15 Jun 2021
Solar and wind power could break the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam deadlockSebastian Sterl 19 Apr 2021
Grid or solar: looking for the best energy solution for the rural poorJörg Peters and Maximiliane Sievert 30 Dec 2020