#InternationalWomensDay2025: Celebrating Philile Mabolloane, head of Retail: Consumables at Amazon SSAEvan-Lee Courie
#InternationalWomensDay2025: Sinmisola Hughes-Obisesan - A visionary driving Africa's creative futureKarabo Ledwaba
#InternationalWomensDay2025: PGA's first female CEO, Koo Govender leads the way in DEI in advertising
Mozambique's fossil fuel drive is entrenching poverty and conflictJoshua Kirshner, Daniela Salite & Matthew Cotton 3 Aug 2021
Dutch court rules against Dos Santos in oil asset case - lawyersNoah Browning & Sergio Goncalves 28 Jul 2021
Banning fossil fuels in sub-Saharan Africa could slow the transition to renewable energySamuel Ayokunle Olówósejéjé 16 Jul 2021