Atholl Munday College
Atholl Munday Training College is 50 years old. Its mission is on training its learners and clients in the engineering trade disciplines of Electrical, Mechanical, Welding, Instrumentation and Plumbing. Our training takes the form of on-the- job training were learmers are job ready after their apprenticeship, learnerships or internships.
Type of company: | Artisan education and training |
Primary business: | Electrical, Welding and Mechanical learnerships |
Services: | Learnerships, Apprenticeships, Electrical, Mechanical Fitting, Welding |
Employees: | 20 |
Contact: | Dr Richard Perumal |
Tel: | +270319043244 |
Cell: | +27810037192 |
Web address: | |
Physical address: | 1 Dickens Rd, Umbogintwini, Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, 4120 |
Postal address: | PO Box 608, Umbogintwini, Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, 4120 |