MG Law Inc - Sandton / Cape Town / Durban / Bloemfontein
Our core values are transparency & ethics. MG Law strives to achieve its clients' objectives using the minimal resources, saving time & money. Affordable legal services of the highest calibre, for both Commercial, Personal law & Litigation.
Type of company: Law Firm
Primary business: Commercial & Private Law: GP/WC/KZN/FS
Services: Business Law, Corporate Law, Litigation Attorneys, Family Law, Divorce Attorneys, Labour - CCMA, Consumer Law, Conveyancing - Notarial, Debt Collection Attorneys, General Law Practice
Employees: 31
Physical address: 151 Katherine Street, Vunani Office Park, Sandown, Sandton, Gauteng, 2196
76 Regent Road, The Point Tower, Suite 502, Sea Point, Cape Town, Western Cape, 8005
Postal address: Postnet Suite 79, Private Bag 9, Benmore, Sandton, Gauteng, 2010