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![AIDmonitor to analyse funding flows for development in food and agriculture-related sectors](
![Good to know (perhaps) that food is being 'nuclearised'](
![Big.H via](
![Greening the livestock sector: Low carbon livestock is possible](
![12019 via](
![Kate HoltAusAID via](
![Meat without animals to hit shelves in 2021](
![Biomimic Tree: Pushing agriculture up the agenda @cop23](
![Big.H via](
![Photo: Eltoma Corporate Services](
![Photo: HSI (Image Supplied)](
![Africa has focused on tackling undernutrition caused by low calorie diets. IFPRI](
Seven African countries show how the battle against malnutrition can be won
Sheryl L Hendriks, Katrin Glatzel, Ousmane Badiane 27 Oct 2017
![Robben Island turns to the sun for power](
![#WorldFoodDay: Africa holds the key to feeding the world's population](
![SACAU: Agriculture can play a critical role in eradicating poverty](
![Colin Logan, technical executive for GIBB’s dams, hydropower and underground works services sector](
![auntmasako via](
![Integrated policy approach needed to ensure sustainable food systems](
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![Image source: Lonely Planet](
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![Role of secure tenure rights in eradicating hunger, poverty](
![Rasheed hamis via](
![Marc Bournof/IRD (Image Source: )](
!['New era' in solar energy fuelling growth in renewables](
![Conflict and climate change lead to a rise in global hunger](
![#InnovationMonth: This simple solution rolls a long way in ensuring water access in rural communities](
![José Graziano da Silva, director-general, FAO. ©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti.](
![The relationship between drought and famine: lessons from the Horn of Africa](
![lapping via](
More news
![AIDmonitor to analyse funding flows for development in food and agriculture-related sectors](
![Good to know (perhaps) that food is being 'nuclearised'](
![Big.H via](
![Greening the livestock sector: Low carbon livestock is possible](
![12019 via](
![Kate HoltAusAID via](
![Meat without animals to hit shelves in 2021](
![Biomimic Tree: Pushing agriculture up the agenda @cop23](
![Big.H via](
![Photo: Eltoma Corporate Services](
![Photo: HSI (Image Supplied)](
![Africa has focused on tackling undernutrition caused by low calorie diets. IFPRI](
Seven African countries show how the battle against malnutrition can be won
Sheryl L Hendriks, Katrin Glatzel, Ousmane Badiane 27 Oct 2017
![Robben Island turns to the sun for power](
![#WorldFoodDay: Africa holds the key to feeding the world's population](
![SACAU: Agriculture can play a critical role in eradicating poverty](
![Colin Logan, technical executive for GIBB’s dams, hydropower and underground works services sector](
![auntmasako via](
![Integrated policy approach needed to ensure sustainable food systems](
![Image Supplied](
![Image source: Lonely Planet](
![Image Source:](
![Role of secure tenure rights in eradicating hunger, poverty](
![Rasheed hamis via](
![Marc Bournof/IRD (Image Source: )](
!['New era' in solar energy fuelling growth in renewables](
![Conflict and climate change lead to a rise in global hunger](
![#InnovationMonth: This simple solution rolls a long way in ensuring water access in rural communities](
![José Graziano da Silva, director-general, FAO. ©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti.](
![The relationship between drought and famine: lessons from the Horn of Africa](
![lapping via](
![Image source:](
![12019 via](
![Climate-smart agriculture urgently needed in Africa](
![Protecting Africa's drylands key to the continent's future](
![#InnovationMonth: Revolutionising agriculture through urban farming](
![How Nigeria is wasting its rich water resources](
![New WWF report highlights better water management in Africa as key to sustainable development](
![Desalination? Africa should rather manage its water resources better](
![The River Nile at Cairo, Egypt. Flickr/Emad Faied](
![Katse Dam's deep flood of suffering](