How fracking plans could affect shared water resources in Southern AfricaSurina Esterhuyse 19 Oct 2020
Business as usual in post-pandemic recovery will only reinforce economic hardshipNjuguna Ndung'u 28 Sep 2020
What Nigeria's poor power supply really costs and how a hybrid system could work for businessSamuel Ayokunle Olówósejéjé 23 Sep 2020
LNG projects could transform Mozambique - if Western environmentalists don't interfereNJ Ayuk 21 Sep 2020
Review of nine African 'blue economy' projects shows what works and what doesn'tIfesinachi Okafor-Yarwood 12 Aug 2020
Why wind and solar would offer the DRC and South Africa better energy deals than Inga 3Grace C Wu & Ranjit Deshmukh 24 Jul 2020
The Grand Renaissance Dam: what's at stake and what could break the deadlockMahemud Tekuya 23 Jul 2020
Rwanda extracts methane from Lake Kivu for electricity. How it worksNatacha Tofield-Pasche 16 Jul 2020
Electric vehicles could add to carbon emissions and load shedding: but there's a solutionMJ (Thinus) Booysen and Mark Apperley 10 Jul 2020
Nigeria's post-Covid-19 recovery plan has some merit. But it misses the markTolu Olarewaju 22 Jun 2020
Covid-19 is underscoring the vulnerable lives of Kenya's artisanal gemstone minersJudy N Muthuri 18 Jun 2020