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Informal Retailing
#AfricaMonth: Why informal retailing in Africa must not be overlooked
Lauren Hartzenberg 31 May 2022

Circular Economy & Waste Management
Ugandan researchers develop low-cost sensors to track air pollution

Renewables & Energy Efficiency
Newly launched African Green Hydrogen Alliance aims to supercharge projects on the continent

Africa Month
#AfricaMonth: Staying true to Africa's creative voice in the digital era
Georginah Machiridza 26 May 2022

Marketing & Media
Game of thrones: Why content is king, but context is queen 25 May 2022

Industrial & Logistics Property
Demand for logistics real estate across Africa continues to surpass supply

#ATMDubai: Humans vs tech in the age of hospitality labour shortages
Lauren Hartzenberg 24 May 2022

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