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Architecture & Design
Zanzibar Domino Commercial Tower to become Africa's second tallest tower

Renewables & Energy Efficiency
Renewable energy projects in rural Ghana have some built-in limitations

Infrastructure & Utilities
Standard Chartered arranges $1.1bn financing for Angola water project

Revealed: The top-ranking media channels and brands in 2021
Duncan Southgate, Kantar 7 Sep 2021

NGO, NPO & Social Enterprise
NGOs seek to halt proposed mining activities in Zambia's Lower Zambezi National Park

Events & Conferencing
You plan your event, we'll promote it to the right business audience! 6 Sep 2021

Fashion & Homeware
#Newsmaker: Gareth Kemp to lead Ares Group as new CEO
Lauren Hartzenberg 3 Sep 2021

Media & Entertainment Law
Court grants order to proceed with civil action against Equatorial Guinea blogger

Environment & Natural Resources
Use of leaded petrol eliminated in 'milestone' for health and environment, UN says

Supply Chain
From PPE shortages to Covid-19 vaccine distribution, the supply chain has emerged as a determinant of health
Adel Guitouni, Jie Zhang, Nadine Schuurman and Valorie A. Crooks 31 Aug 2021