ABN Education Trust calls for jounalism students
The aim is to address the major deficit in financial journalism skills in Africa. The Trust has two approaches to capacity building: The first is to enhance skills of existing staff and second is to build capacity bottom up. The selected students will be given internships opportunities at one of the five Africa Business News company's, this includes CNBC Africa, Forbes Africa, ABN Pictures, ABN Productions and ABN Digital.
This year, the trust has sponsored three female students, one of which is completing their honours in financial journalism at WITS and the other two completing their third and second year at the University of Johannesburg. This has enabled the ABN Group to continuously contribute towards Africa's growth and development.
Wahi says "The genesis of the bursaries for financial journalism is based on a need for good quality financial journalists on the continent. Through our ownership of CNBC Africa and Forbes Africa, we are able to provide internship opportunities to students under our program. This will help build capacity in this much needed space. We intend extending this program to other countries where we have bureaus as education is a very important part of the Groups vision in Africa."
To apply, send your CV, a certified copy of your latest results and an identity document to moc.063nba@yksnilraC.nyleM.