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NBF and Wits harness leadership in Africa
The NEPAD Business Foundation (NBF) in conjunction with the Wits Business School have developed the African Leadership Programme, a formal prgramme aimed at training and upskilling managers and professionals on leadership challenges encountered in both the private and public sectors in Africa. The programme combines practical business insight with personal leadership development skills.
The programme focuses on economics, finance, strategic and operational management, marketing, human resources and specifically on curriculum that is relevant within the African context. The programme comprises three core processes; the personal leadership assessment process is facilitated by registered psychologists and career development specialists and provides delegates with feedback on their performance through facilitated video feedback, psychometric instruments, performance on leadership simulations and individual presentations.
Each module is assessed through an examination or a written assignment. An essential component of the assessment is the Individual Leadership Project, where delegates are required to identify a problem in their organisation or community, develop ways to resolve it and produce a report with information on the method they used, together with their skills obtained from the experience.
In May 2008, the NBF ALP enrolled 24 students for the programme, of which 50% were women and various students from other African countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Angola. Delegates who successfully complete the programme are awarded a Certificate of Competence by the Wits Business School on their graduation day, held on 1 December 2008. This certificate has been accredited by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) at the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 7.
Lalie Ngozi, a delegate who participated in the programme in 2007, decided to attend the programme because it addressed issues such as political, economic and social challenges faced by African people and it provided solutions for overcoming these challenges as a future generation.
“I found the programme beneficial as it allowed the opportunity for public and private sector to collaborate with one another and share best practices and this was a learning opportunity for me as the skills I have acquired from the programme has provided huge benefits in my current job,” says Ngozi.
“It is my belief that success is mainly based on the level of knowledge that one has and how it is applied. I am passionate about engaging in opportunities which contribute to improving my knowledge. The African Leadership Programme offered me such an opportunity. The programme has enabled me to change my behaviour and rediscover my potential especially that of leadership. It has provided me with comprehensive tools that will enable me to continually increase my value, that of others and the organisations that I am involved in. In addition, I have created friendships and associations that offer a life time sharing experience. Ultimately, the lessons will help me achieve my success and assist others to achieve theirs too,” adds Patrick Kabuya, a 2008 ALP participant and the project director for Public Sector and Africa at the Southern Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA).
Lynnette Chen, CEO of the NBF says, “The NBF is already making strategic plans for the second phase of the programme, which will incorporate two additional African countries into the programme. The course material will be available in languages such as French and Portuguese.”
“In the future, the NBF will transform the programme into an electronic learning environment that will enable the programme to reach a larger audience than currently targeted. This is in order to achieve a critical mass of a new generation of African leaders that will enable the continent to succeed in facing its economic and social developmental challenges,” adds Chen.
The next NBF African Leadership Programme is scheduled to commence in May 2009 at the Wits Business School.
Further information and applications to attend this programme are available on the NBF's website : www.nepadbusinessfoundation.org or contact Angie Arpin, programme manager, Wits Business School on +27 (0)11 717-3664.
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