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Innovations in Newspapers Report presented at WEF

The annual report by the Innovation International Media Consulting Group for the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), tracks trends for newspaper companies as they evolve into multimedia businesses.
WEF dedicated to "The Tablet Year"
"What we need to do is think in terms of a multitude of products, summarised under a brand, in a brand world, or even better in a brand experience world," says Horst Pirker, group CEO of Styria Media Group in Austria and first VP of WAN-IFRA, in the introduction to the report.
The World Editors Forum is dedicated to "The Tablet Year" with a focus on how mobile distribution is changing the news business. Participants will receive a free copy of the report. Full details of the Editors Forum conference can be found at www.wefhamburg2010.com.
Contents of the 2010 Innovations report:
- Tablets, which looks at 12 concepts for designing for the iPad;
- New Narratives, which discusses new digital storytelling opportunities;
- Business Integration, which outlines Innovation's recommendations for modernising marketing and sales structures to meet digital needs;
- Newsrooms, which examines how to transform a linear, paper-centric newsroom into a fully integrated digital "news engine";
- Newsroom Integration, a case study of El Tiempo¹s (Colombia) across-the-board newsroom integration;
- Innovation, which takes a look at "i", a new Portuguese daily that went from launch to European Newspaper of the Year in six months;
- Passion builds audiences, which examines a bright spot in the newspaper landscape: sports papers;
- Investigative journalism, which shows even small newsrooms can produce quality investigations;
- Social media, which provides an in-depth look at the growing relevance of social media for news organisations;
- Information technology, which provides 10 recommendations for newspapers¹ IT departments;
- Readers' Clubs, which discusses new revenue streams provided by newspapers¹ brand extensions through Readers¹ Clubs;
- And family businesses, which outlines the challenges facing family-owned information companies.
The 2010 Global Report on Innovations in Newspapers is one of dozens of Editors Forum presentations on cutting edge business and editorial strategies.
Full details, including the programmes for business sessions and social events, registration and other information, can be found at www.wefhamburg2010.com.
The Editors Forum will be held in conjunction with the IFRA Expo, the annual global trade exhibition for the news publishing and media industry. For full details on the expo and related events, which include an Advertising Summit, an International e-Reading and Tablet Conference, Focus Sessions on newspaper production and more, can be found at www.ifraexpo.com.