Spinlet celebrated at Midem 2012

Spinlet's launch means a paradigm shift in music distribution and the fight against piracy in one of the world's emerging markets.
"We are dedicated to working against piracy with structured deals in the artists favor and bringing in marketing support to create revenue and promotion of artists' music internationally," says Spinlet CEO, Eric Idiahi.
"Being on the ground in Nigeria, I see that our biggest competitors are pirated CD's on the street corner, we want to create value in the users eye and revenue for the artists." added Idiahi.
Available on popular smart phones
Spinlet is supported on the most popular smart phones including Android, BlackBerry and Symbian^3 and is available for free download via the Android Market, Blackberry Store, and Symbian Platform.
"We have partnered with an amazing catalog of artists, mobile carriers, payment providers and a variety of brands to support our network to ensure our users get a unique and quality experience," says Spinlet founder and COO, Sami Leino, "We are confident that the service speaks for itself, and users and artists alike will agree that is what sets us apart as Africa's top mobile music application."
Users of Spinlet can remotely store, manage and listen to music from anywhere using their mobile device. Spinlet promotes social sharing with an interface that allows users to create accounts, make playlists and share their favorite titles using social networking sites, such as Facebook with their friends.
"We want to support African music in every way possible and that means promotion on every level, whether it be internally on the Spinlet application or at international events like Midem, the largest and most influential music industry conference in the world," says Idiahi.
For more, go to spinlet.com