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Zimbabwe: Econet applies for interdict against Alpha Media
Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Ltd has applied for a High Court interdict to stop Alpha Media Holdings (AMH), the parent company of the Zimbabwe Independent, NewsDay and the Standard, from publishing stories on the company which it deems defamatory.
The mobile phone operator says the Independent ran four articles last month it feels were defamatory. Econet wants the High Court to bar the Independent and its sister newspapers from publishing, printing or distributing any material that casts "aspersions upon their (Econet) competence, integrity or suitability".
AMH and its marketing and distribution firm Munn Marketing and the holdings' printing company Strand Multiprint, website host company Webdev, business mogul Nick van Hoogstraten and Independent senior business reporter, Reginald Sherekete were listed as respondents.
"Applicant apprehends respondents (AMH) will not stop tarnishing its good name and will continue to injure their legitimate interests. This is what has motivated this application," Econet CEO Douglas Mboweni said in his founding affidavit that was strangely dated August 25 2011.
Mboweni said the respondents last month acted with "reckless abandon" to publish material which was defamatory to his company.
"In view of the incessancy of the publications, Applicant reasonably apprehends the continuance of such publications to their irremediable prejudice hence the filing of this application," Mboweni said.
Freedom of expression
"Much as the right of the press to throw light remains unquestionable and much as it remains a basic precondition for civilisation, the same press clearly has no right to peddle falsehoods, malicious and unfounded allegations calculated at injuring the good name and standing of Applicant under the thin guise of freedom of expression."
Econet said Sherekete acted irresponsibly when he published the articles.
The mobile firm also sought the respondents be interdicted from soliciting attacks against Econet, interviewing Van Hoogstraten and carrying his views.
"Respondents shall not republish, reprint or re-distribute the material forming the subject matter of the defamation action instituted by Applicant or substantially similar matter pending the determination of that action," read part of the application.
Econet wants the respondents barred from publishing, printing or distributing any material which relates to the mobile phone company without its side of the story.
The order also seeks to compel Webdev to erase all defamatory information on the Internet concerning Econet.
This High Court application comes just a few days after Econet claimed US$1,5 million in damages from Alpha Media Holdings, Strand Multi Print, Munn Marketing, Sherekete and Van Hoogstraten stemming from articles that appeared in the Zimbabwe Independent last month.
Source: allAfrica.com