Women entrepreneurs in Africa need to leave a legacy

Regina Gouden, provincial manager for Retail Relationship Banking, Small Business and Professional Banking, Gauteng North, is also one of the AWIEF Awards’ judges this year and offers insights into the calibre of nominations received and the judging process.
Gouden has a degree in International Banking from the University of Pretoria and holds various other qualifications relating to leadership, marketing, public relations and financials. Besides having personal experience in the franchise business, she holds over 20 years of experience with small business covering all sectors. She has also been very instrumental in taking SME Incubation to all the townships in South Africa and is also an Accredited Professional and Business Coach/Mentor and is registered with ICF (International Coaching Federation).
How important is women entrepreneurship in Africa?When we consider the gender basis of women and men in Africa, women definitely outnumber men hence it is my opinion that we should have two times the amount of women in business when compared to men. Also, women are highly resourceful and productive and are very judicious with finances.
What are the key qualities you have observed as an AWIEF Awards judge, that make the winners stand out? Innovation stands out; the resilience of the women entrepreneurs during peak and low economic times; and the perseverance to make a success of the business.
How can women leaders assist in growing women entrepreneurship in Africa further, particularly among young women?Currently we have many successful women business owners in Africa in all segments of business, they need to:

When we consider the gender basis of women and men in Africa, women definitely outnumber men hence it is my opinion that we should have two times the amount of women in business when compared to men. Also, women are highly resourceful and productive and are very judicious with finances.
What are the key qualities you have observed as an AWIEF Awards judge, that make the winners stand out? Innovation stands out; the resilience of the women entrepreneurs during peak and low economic times; and the perseverance to make a success of the business.
How can women leaders assist in growing women entrepreneurship in Africa further, particularly among young women?Currently we have many successful women business owners in Africa in all segments of business, they need to:

Innovation stands out; the resilience of the women entrepreneurs during peak and low economic times; and the perseverance to make a success of the business.
How can women leaders assist in growing women entrepreneurship in Africa further, particularly among young women?Currently we have many successful women business owners in Africa in all segments of business, they need to:

Currently we have many successful women business owners in Africa in all segments of business, they need to:
1. Employ more women and upskill and develop them.
2. Always ensure you leave a legacy - take one or two young women and take time to mentor them.
3. Create opportunities for young women to grow in business and share your successes.
What are some of the obstacles on the road to entrepreneurship success that entrepreneurs in Africa have to overcome?Lack of management skills; lack of understanding financials and the role it plays in the growing of business; and lack of planning in business.
What is the key advice you would personally give a woman entrepreneur in Africa?- Be in a business that you are passionate about.
- Network your business.
- Think BIG! Think global.
- Keep up to date with trends in the marketplace.
- Be prepared to share and receive, also, diversify in time.
- Understand your financials.
For more information on the AWIEF conference, go to: https://www.awieforum.org/.

Lack of management skills; lack of understanding financials and the role it plays in the growing of business; and lack of planning in business.
What is the key advice you would personally give a woman entrepreneur in Africa?- Be in a business that you are passionate about.
- Network your business.
- Think BIG! Think global.
- Keep up to date with trends in the marketplace.
- Be prepared to share and receive, also, diversify in time.
- Understand your financials.
For more information on the AWIEF conference, go to: https://www.awieforum.org/.

- Be in a business that you are passionate about.
- Network your business.
- Think BIG! Think global.
- Keep up to date with trends in the marketplace.
- Be prepared to share and receive, also, diversify in time.
- Understand your financials.
For more information on the AWIEF conference, go to: https://www.awieforum.org/.
2023 AWIEF Awards finalists announced 20 Sep 2023