National mobilisation of entrepreneurialism

Primarily, entrepreneurs take very little but give in gigantic amounts to the universe; they will not create electricity just for their own private cottage, but for the world. True entrepreneurs are continually seeking solutions to local, national or global problems. They are super-efficient and quick. The biggest national hidden treasure of a country is its hidden entrepreneurial talent; untapped, undiscovered, unmobilised and uncommercialised.
Entrepreneurial competency quotient:
Today’s hyper accelerated new global age is not “highest intelligent quotient” driven; but rather “entrepreneurial competency quotient” centric. This is where innovative thinking and global age execution styles engage into collaborative synthesism for superior quality trading. This erases the old classroom knowledge models of sluggish bureaucracies based on fears, insecurities and shared dogmatic confusions. A brand-new world is wide open to smart nations.
Fact: In the next 1000 days we will arrive at 2020 where new worldwide processes of a block chained-economy start eliminating some one billion white collar office workers. In a further 3650 days China becomes the world’s largest economy, global shifts of image supremacy start opening brand new doors. Where are those serious national debate on national mobilisation of hidden talents and which countries are awake and which are sleeping?
The liberated-work standards:
Yesterday, mankind “went” to work… offices turned onto skyscrapers, and office-furniture the status standard. Future work will “come” to you; it will sniff and find you and play with you, but only if you fit the profile. If you don’t fit, it will simply abandon you. Welcome to the world of smart work which is always flying around you and catching smart people for smart execution. It will however expect global age results. The new world is open and sniffing around for trade.
Fact: Every night, when we fall asleep, three quarters of the world is wide awake; churning, consuming, producing and dancing in its glory. The new hyper accelerated world is spinning without waiting for any one person or one mighty nation.
Busy folks should be pushed aside; as being busy is a last century medical condition of feeling worthy. Smart people are not busy, entrepreneurs are not busy. It would take a deep study to figure all this out. Busy folks still using square wheels, simple. It’s not about less holidays and breaks, but rather it is about being in constant holiday style and ten times more productive. It’s not about working 24 hours days, but rather about working less than four hours a day, while creating systems so the organisation is awake and responsive with the rhythms and highly tuned with the global age.
Top ten most difficult national transformational questions:
- Why is entrepreneurialism taught in classrooms? Armies are not, they are in tactical combats.
- Why is a global age connected society of alpha-dreamers being ignored? They are over 2 billion.
- Why is technocalamity; free overflow of technology so feared? It is altering the business landscape.
- Why is soft power asset management so foreign over hard asset thinking? A lack of new thinking.
- Why will population rich nations take over knowledge rich nations? Nations are confused.
- Why are national innovation and incubation mantras single day photo-ops? But for how long will this continue?
- Why are super power nations challenged by micro-power-nations? By quadrupling exportability.
- Why are typical conference models becoming obsolete? Able to push a button to global thought leadership access.
- Why is global collaborative synthesism so misunderstood? Old thinking lacks global age understanding.
- Why are diversity, entrepreneurialism and women power considered a threat? Lack of global age wisdom.
Questioning mobilisation readiness:
Unlimited global markets can absorb unlimited innovative ideas and goods and services. Founders with entrepreneurial talent and energy are anxious for global age expansion. Well-designed, innovative ideas and global age skills can quadruple enterprise performance. Global-age execution styles among enterprises are the most serious missing links in today’s world.