Deutsche Welle profiles women empowerment and achievement

DW editor-in-chief, Ines Pohl: "Women empowerment is one of our main focus topics. The new Facebook account will help make our content about and for women more visible. It is kind of a 'best of' compilation of DW content from all editorial teams."
DW Women is an interdisciplinary account which merges former DW projects Women Talk Online and Global Society.
"We are pooling our resources and will start off with more than 344,000 fans," project manager Vanessa Fischer said.
Topics featured on DW Women will cover education and career advancement, traditions and taboos, the generation gap and sustainability. Female vloggers will report weekly from four continents and share the perspective of women in their part of world.
On International Women’s Day, DW is also presenting the new series Digital Warriors in German and English. It portrays women from around the world who intend to affect change in their societies. This week’s documentaries and editions of the DW TV magazine shows Euromaxx, Arts.21, Global 3000 and Check-In, as well as talk show Quadriga, will all have a special focus on women. All of DW's coverage on March 8 can be watched live on