Dr Elizabeth le Roux awarded 2022 JWO Research Grant

Le Roux’s research programme will explore whether the movement of cattle and pastoral communities in Africa can help to reconnect and integrate fragmented conservation areas.
The work will be undertaken over three years and is informed by the conviction that “the earth needs ecologically intact ecosystems and we need to be ambitious in our conservation targets”.
The grant was awarded to Le Roux during the Oppenheimer Research Conference in Johannesburg. A panel with experience across academia and practice in environmental science reviewed the 332 applications received from across 29 African countries.
Changing the world for future generations
“The main purpose of the JWO Research Grant is to make common cause about how we think about saving our planet. We are fortunate to be able to engage scientists that are shifting our world-view and spearheading research that has the potential to change the world for our children and future generations,” said Jonathan Oppenheimer.
The JWO grant of $150,000 provides funding to enable researchers to build evidence which can inform decision-making around Africa’s natural resources. It encourages practical action leading to the implementation of innovative solutions at local, regional, and national levels for the benefit of African communities.