Radio stations to broadcast MTV Base series across Africa

The new radio format, estimated to reach a listening audience of 45 million is being broadcast in Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Lesotho, South Africa and Tanzania, was developed by UNICEF, MTV Staying Alive Foundation and the PEPFAR Partnership for an HIV Free Generation in collaboration with young people, representatives from government and partners from across participating countries.
In 12 eight-minute episodes, Shuga Radio provides a raw and uncut view of the lives of a group of four young fictional characters aged 15-24. The series tells a story about their choices, dreams, friendships, challenges and triumphs in a world where HIV and AIDS are an ever-present threat.
It is reported that sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest rates of infection in the world, and young people are particularly vulnerable, as the majority of young people living with HIV do not know their status.
Every day there are more than 2 500 new HIV infections in young people across the world, four out of 10 are in sub-Saharan Africa and the vast majority of these are young women and adolescent girls.
The 12 episodes are followed by two 25-minute pre-recorded magazine shows which further explore the topics covered with young people, experts from the countries and global and national cooperating partners.
Available in English, French and Swahili, Shuga Radio will air three times per week for 12 weeks.
Themes covered
The Shuga Radio storyline examines a similar range of themes to those in the TV drama including; HIV counselling and testing, condom use in stable relationships, positive prevention, gender inequality and sexual violence, transactional sex, alcohol abuse and the role of multiple concurrent partnerships in driving the HIV epidemic.
The content and storyline for Shuga Radio were written and created with 30 young people from Cameroon, DR Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Lesotho and South Africa in a special workshop hosted by Question Media Group with support from MTV and UNICEF.
"We are delighted to expand the scope and impact of the Shuga TV series by moving the concept into the radio medium where it will reach millions of listeners on youth, student and community stations who may not have had access to the TV series," said Georgia Arnold, executive director, MTV Staying Alive Foundation.
To date, 65 broadcasters have committed to airing the series.
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