Kwese TV secures top brands for world cup sponsorships

Africa’s newest source for sports programming, Kwesé TV, has signed ground breaking advertising deals with some of the continent’s leading brands for the FIFA World Cup Russia 2018. These include Coca Cola, Adidas, SoKlin, Total, Opera News, PZ Cussons, Nokia & Nigerian Breweries amongst others.
“We have positioned ourselves to be the one stop shop solution for brands who want to be part of the FIFA World Cup action and engage with customers in Africa,” said Joseph Hundah, president and CEO of Econet Media.
“Clients can expect all-inclusive packages with full exposure on our FTA offering, pay TV and strong digital campaigns on KweseESPN including targeted reach on African team pages amongst other tailored solutions”.
In addition, the broadcaster has sub-licensed its rights to over 35 Sub-Saharan broadcasters during the world’s largest football tournament, reaching well over 160 million African viewers. Kwesé has also partnered with The Broadcasting Organisations of Nigeria (BON), an umbrella Union of Terrestrial Radio Television (TV), Direct-To-Home (DTH), Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) and Multimedia Distribution System (MMDS). BON has 44 TV broadcasters as part of their network in Nigeria, allowing Kwesé to reach an estimated 100 million viewers.
Kwesé is the first pan-African media group to offer integrated free-to-air, digital and pay TV advertising packages for its clients across the continent. With a presence in 28 African countries Kwesé offers tailor-made multi-territory advertising opportunities for clients looking for wide reach and exposure to audiences across the continent.
To bring clients the best coverage of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Kwesé has set up studio facilities in partnership with ESPN in Russia to offer the best possible coverage of the number one football tournament in the world.
“With football being the most loved sport on the continent we know that millions of viewers will be glued to their screens. Kwesé’s paid and free-to-air platforms provide unprecedented viewership figures for our clients, delivering impact and exposure,” Hundah added.
Do not miss out on the opportunity to secure your brand’s tailored FIFA World Cup advertising deal with the firstly truly pan-African broadcast network.