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DBSA sponsors African innovation

The Africa Innovation Summit (AIS) has welcomed the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) as a sponsor. AIS acknowledges the DBSA's commitment to Africa and this important initiative to promote and support a new framework for innovation on the continent.
The Africa Innovation Summit will take place from 6 to 8 June 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda. This is the second AIS, following the first Summit in Praia, Cabo Verde.
The AIS serves as a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue and a catalyst for coalition and action towards building robust innovation ecosystems in Africa.
AIS 2018 will focus on innovation as a tool to address Africa's pressing challenges, such as health, water and sanitation, food security, governance and energy. AIS II will include the main Summit in Kigali; a series of special and side events, as well as an Exhibition of up to 50 African innovations (in agriculture, healthcare, energy, water and governance).
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Source: African Press Organisation

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