5 tips to make 2012 your best year yet

Instead of the obligatory New Year's resolutions that will last two weeks (if you are lucky), here are 5 tips from Donna McCallum, South Africa's very own "Fairy Godmother", who has helped thousands of people reach their goals and live their dreams.
1. Reflect on 2011
Spend 45 minutes considering and writing down your successes for 2011 and what didn't work. Scribble down the things you would like to take with you into 2012 and the things you wish to leave behind.
There is no point setting goals for 2012 until you have reflected on the lessons of 2011 and incorporate these realisations into your thinking about the year ahead.
2. Big, CRAZY goals
Realistic goals do not ignite the one thing that you need to turn your goals into reality and that is desire. Spend 45 minutes just wishful thinking. Imagine a fairy godmother in front of you ready to wave her wand and make your dreams come true; What big, crazy things would you wish for? Write these big dreams down. It doesn't mean you need to commit to them, but doing this exercise will spark your enthusiasm and energy for 2012.
3. Commit to 1 or 2 of your big goals
After your session of wishful thinking, choose the goals (only 1 or 2) that really resonate with you and write them down. Get out the Post-It notes and write down those goals in the present tense, eg. I am looking fit and fabulous at 60kgs; or I am earning R100 000 per month doing what I love; or my business has doubled its turnover in 2012; or my relationship with my partner is the best it has ever been. Pop these Post-It notes up everywhere in your life: your bathroom mirror, in your car, on your fridge, at your desk. The more the better. These Post-Its serve as little reminders to your subconscious mind of your goals and what you are creating.
4. One small daily action
With your main goals in mind, consider: What is the one small action, which if you took every day in 2012, would create the result of reaching your goal? Eg. If your goal is to write a book, commit to spending 15 minutes a day writing. Or if your goal is to double your businesses turnover then commit to phoning one new potential client every day.
The action should be something small that you can promise yourself to do every day. At the end of 2012 you will have taken 365 little actions and you'll be amazed by the results.
5. Do the things that make your soul light up
Write down a list of things that you LOVE to do - focus on the simple things that make your soul smile: watching a sunset, dancing, spending time with your children, walking with barefeet on grass. Commit to doing one thing every day in 2012 that delights you. Put the list up on your fridge door as a reminder.
If there is only 1 of these tips that you integrate into your life, the last tip of doing the things you love, is guaranteed to ensure that your year is filled with moments of heart-opening joy which will truly make 2012 your best year yet.
Donna McCallum will be doing Dream Mapping and Goal Setting Workshops in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban in January 2012. For more, go to www.fairygodmother.co.za.