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African NGOs stand a chance to win the USD 100,000 ONE Africa Award
An African civil society or non-governmental organisation will receive the $100,000 ONE Africa Award to continue to amplify the work they are doing on the continent.

The ONE Campaign will present the next ONE Africa Award to a deserving Africa-led organisation that has demonstrated commitment and success in their advocacy to promote the attainment of one or more of the Millennium Development Goals.
ONE.org (www.one.org) hosts a LIVE Twitter Chat with the 2014 ONE Africa Award Winner from Nigeria, Friends Africa. Chidi E. Koldsweat, Communications Manager for Friends Africa, will be answering all your questions about the $100,000 award, its application process and its impact, on Thursday 20 August 2015 at 9:30 am - 10:30 am Lagos time.
Use the following Twitter handles to participate in the conversation @Friends_Africa and @ONEinAfrica, and use #ONEAfricaAward to follow the conversation
All questions and Friends Africa answers will be re-tweeted at @ONEinAfrica.
Source: African Press Organisation

APO is the sole press release wire in Africa, and the global leader in media relations related to Africa. With headquarters in Dakar, Senegal, APO owns a media database of over 150,000 contacts and the main Africa-related news online community.
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